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ISORTx: Spectral imaging-based machine vision for intelligent automated sorting and disassembly of textile waste

ISORTx: Spectral imaging-based machine vision for intelligent automated sorting and disassembly of textile waste

This regional collaborative project will contribute to restructuring of the textile waste value chain through collaboration between academia, industrial and public sector companies towards green growth and circular economy transition. Building upon the competence on enabling technologies already well established in Agder (sensor technology, artificial intelligence, mechatronics, robotics), the project will adress research challenges related to securing continuous and high-quality polyester textile waste stream for the future chemical recycling business.

By enabling circularity in the textile industry, textiles will be functioning at their highest potential so that they are not wasted but re-entered into a system that creates value again and again. The key technologies that can enable textile resources to cycle repeatedly through the supply chain are the automated sorting by fibre composition and automated pre-processing of large volumes of mixed post-consumer textiles. Applied machine learning combined with new spectral imaging techniques will enable textile-to-textile recycling even for complex multi-layers clothing. Only after the related research challenges have been adequately addressed can these materials become reliable and consistent input to new textile-to-textile recycling businesses. The proposed solution will increase the flexibility of the recycling process and make it suitable for a large variety of textiles in high volumes.

The project is lead by NORCE Enabling technologies division and realized in collaboration with the department of Engineering Sciences at the University of Agder, Avfall Norge, Avfall Sør, ROAF, UFF Norge, Norsk Tekstilgjenvinning, Norsk Tekstilsortering and Norsk Elektro Optikk.


Katarina Grujic

Seniorforsker - Kristiansand

+47 464 17 363



ISORTx: Spectral imaging-based machine vision for intelligent automated sorting and disassembly of textile waste




01.08.23 - 31.12.25



Totalt budsjett

4.995.000 NOK




Regionale forskningsfond Agder




Martin Marie Hubert Choux
Ilya Tyapin


Universitetet i Agder, Norsort AS, Romerike Avfallsforedling IKS, NF&TA næringsklyngen for aktører i den norske mote-, sport og tekstilindustrien.
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