Karin Monstad is an economist and an empirically oriented researcher. Her research interest lies in studies of labour market participation, health and health care markets, and social security. She applies quantitative methods, typically with data from large administrative registries, and is also experienced in multi-disciplinary research.
Karin Monstad
Research Professor
+47 56 10 76 25
+47 472 56 614
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Health & Social Sciences
Research Groups
Health Services and Health Economics
More information about Karin
Download pressphotoProjects
Academic articleWhat is the effect of independent medical evaluation on days on sickness benefits for long-term sick listed employees in Norway? A pragmatic randomised controlled trial, the NIME-trial– BMC Public Health 2022
Academic articleContinuity of care, measurement and association with hospital admission and mortality: A registry-based longitudinal cohort study– BMJ Open 2021
Research reportConsequences of drop-out from upper secondary education– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Research reportEvaluering av samarbeidet mellom NAV og helsetjenesten om Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Academic articleRegular employment for people with mental illness – An evaluation of the individual placement and support programme– Social Science and Medicine 2021
Conference lectureDrop-out effects using access to apprenticeship contracts as instruments (WP5)– Internal workshop 2020
Academic articleSysselsettingseffekter av pensjonsreformen - avhenger de av helsetilstand.– Søkelys på arbeidslivet 2020
Academic articleHow does the type of remuneration affect physician behavior?– American Journal of Health Economics 2020
Academic articleHealth effects of reduced workload for older employees– Health Economics 2020
Research reportLeiarspenn og organisering: Samanhengar med sjukefråvær og turnover– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Research reportSysselsettingseffekter av pensjonsreformen – avhenger de av helsetilstand?– Universitetet i Oslo 2019
Academic articleCompetition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates?– Journal of Health Economics 2019
Academic articleA randomized controlled multicenter trial of individual placement and support for patients with moderate-to-severe mental illness– Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health 2019
Research reportForsøk med ny medisinsk vurdering (NMV) etter seks måneders sykmelding : sluttrapport.– Uni Research Helse 2018
Research reportHealth effects of reduced workload for older employees– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2018
Research reportHow does the type of remuneration affect physician behaviour? Fixed salary versus fee-for-service– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2018
Conference lectureHow does the type of remuneration affect physician behaviour? Fixed salary versus fee-for-service.– Seminar 2018
Research reportVacation, absenteeism and health – Evidence from a Norwegian change in Policy– Universitetet i Oslo 2018
Academic articleNew episodes of musculoskeletal conditions among employed people in Norway, sickness certification and return to work: A multiregister-based cohort study from primary care– BMJ Open 2018
Academic articleSocio-economic status and physicians' treatment decisions– Health Economics 2018
Research reportThe causal effect of workload on the labour supply of older employees– Universitetet i Oslo 2017
Conference lectureA Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial of IPS for Patients with Moderate to Severe Mental Illness in Norway– 12th ENMESH conference. Conceptualizing, measuring and influencing context in mental health care: from the individual to society 2017
Academic articleDo treatment decisions depend on physicians' financial incentives?– Journal of Public Economics 2017
Research reportCompetition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates?– Uni research 2017
Conference lectureCompetition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates?– 44th Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE) 2017
Conference lectureCompetition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certificates?– - 11th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Economic Journal, Vila Real (Portugal), 7-9 Juli 2017 2017
Conference lectureThe causal effect of workload on labour supply of older employees– ESPE European Society for Population Economics 2017
Academic articleFamily Matters? The Importance of Relatives for Frail Elders’ Mortality and Hospital Readmission– Journal of Population Ageing 2017
Academic articleProtocol for the effect evaluation of independent medical evaluation after six months sick leave: a randomized controlled trial of independent medical evaluation versus treatment as usual in Norway– BMC Public Health 2017
Research reportEffektevaluering av Individuell jobbstøtte (IPS): Sluttrapport– Uni Research 2016
Conference lectureProtocol for Effect Evaluation of Independent Medical Evaluation in Norway– The 4th Conference on Work Disability Prevention and Integration 2016
Research reportEffektevaluering av ny medisinsk vurdering (NMV) etter seks måneders sykmelding : underveisrapport.– Uni Research 2016
Conference lectureCompetition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certi cates?– Brukerseminar, NFR 2016
Conference lectureCompetition and physician behaviour: Does the competitive environment affect the propensity to issue sickness certi cates?– Instituttseminar 2016
Academic articleEvaluering av kommunal medfinansiering– Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning 2016
Academic articleMortalitet og reinnlegging – samanhengen med pårøranderessursar blant eldre pasientar.– Tidsskrift for omsorgsforskning 2016
Academic articleKommunale pleie- og omsorgstjenester – en studie av eldre med og uten nære pårørende.– Samfunnsøkonomen 2016
Academic articleGP consultations for common mental disorders and subsequent sickness certification: register-based study of the employed population in Norway– Family Practice 2016
Research reportEvaluering av kommunal medfinansiering.– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2015
Research reportHospital Readmission and Mortality Among Frail Elderly – The Importance of Spouse and Adult Children.– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2015
Academic articleInnsatsstyrt finansiering og sjukefråvær på norske sjukehus– Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning 2015
Academic articleWorried sick? Worker responses to a financial shock– Labour Economics 2015
Conference lectureSamhandlingsreformens konsekvenser for eldre: Pasientrettigheter, pårørende og koordinering av tjenester– Erfaringer fra evaluering av Samhandlingsreformen. Nasjonal erfaringskonferanse om Samhandlingsreformen 2015
Research reportDo Treatment Decisions Depend on Physicians Financial Incentives?– Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi, NHH 2015
Research reportSocioeconomic Status and PhysiciansTreatment Decisions.– Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi, Norges Handelshøyskole 2015
Conference lectureKorleis kan vi bruka helseregister til å analysera sosial ulikskap i bruk av helsetenester?– Senter for klinisk dokumentasjon og evaluering (SKDE) internseminar 2014
Research reportEffektevaluering av Individuell jobbstøtte - Delrapport 1– Uni Research Helse 2014
Academic articleProtocol for the effect evaluation of Individual Placement and Support (IPS): A randomized controlled multicenter trial of IPS versus treatment as usual for patients with moderate to severe mental illness in Norway– BMC Psychiatry 2014
Research reportEvaluating a National Labour and Welfare Administration Reform (NAV)– Institutt for økonomi 2014
Conference lectureWorried sick? Worker responses to a financial shock– European Society of Population Economics 27th Annual Conference 2014
Academic articleWaiting time and socioeconomic status - an individual-level analysis– Health Economics 2014
Research reportWorried sick? Worker Responses to a Financial Shock– Uni Rokkansenteret, notatserie 2013
Conference lectureWorried sick? Sickness absence during organizational turmoil– Workshop on absenteeism and social insurance 2013
Conference lectureSyk av bekymring? Sykefravær i en krisetid– VAM midtveiskonferanse 2013
Conference lectureWorried sick?Sickness absence during organizational turmoil– Norwegian Workshop on health economics 2012
Conference lectureWorried sick? Sickness absence during organizational turmoil– European Conference on Health Economics 2012
Research reportWorried sick? Worker responses to organizational turmoil– Universitetet i Oslo 2012
Conference lectureVentetid og sosioøkonomisk status– Nasjonal forskarmøte for samfunnsøkonomar 2011
Research reportWorried sick? Sickness absence during organizational turmoil– Uni Rokkansenteret 2011
Academic articleInequity in the use of physician services in Norway before and after introducing patient lists in primary care– International Journal for Equity in Health 2011
Research reportIs teenage motherhood contagious? Evidence from a Natural Experiment– NHH Dept. of Economics 2011
Conference lectureWaiting time and socioeconomic status - an individual-level analysis– Trygdeforskningsseminaret 2010 2010
Conference lectureSocial Interaction in Fertility - Evidence from a Natural Experiment– Nordic Health Economists' Study Group Meeting 2010
Conference lectureSocial Interaction in Fertility - Evidence from a Natural Experiment– NCOE Workshop on active labour market policies and family friendly policies 2010
Research reportWaiting time and socioeconomic status - an individual-level analysis– Universitetet i Oslo 2010
Conference lectureSocio-economic differences in treatment intensity in GP practise– 11th National Health Economics Conference 2009
Academic chapterSosial ulikhet i bruk av helsetjenester - målemetoder og empiriske funn– 2009
Conference lectureFår pasienter ulik behandling hos allmennlegen avhengig av derers sosioøkonomiske bakgrunn?– Helseøkonomikonferansen 2009 2009
Conference lecture"Sosial ulikhet i bruk av legetjenester"– Det 31.forskermøtet for samfunnsøkonomer 2009
Conference lectureSocioeconomic differences in treatment intencity in GP practise– Det 31. forskermøtet for økonomer 2009 2009
Academic articleEducation and Fertility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment– The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2008
Research reportEducation and fertility: evidence from a natural experiment– Institutt for samfunnsøkonomi, NHH 2008
Academic articleEducation and Fertility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment– The Scandinavian Journal of Economics 2008
Academic articleLåg fertilitet blant dei høgt utdanna: Teoretiske forklaringar og internasjonal empiri– Samfunnsøkonomen 2008
Research reportEquity in the use of physician visits in Norway - Changing patterns over time?– HEB Health Economics Bergen Working Paper , nr 11/08 2008
Conference lecture"Equity in the use of physician visits in Norway"– Felles nordisk/britisk helseøkonomi-konferanse 2008
Conference lectureSocioeconomic differences in treatment intensity in GP practice– Third joint PhD Workshop in Economics (UIB-NHH) 2008