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Relevant, reliable and robust local-scale climate projections for Norway

Relevant, reliable and robust local-scale climate projections for Norway

R3 represents an innovative endeavor to provide climate services at local to regional scales in Norway. Norway is characterized by large regional differences in geography and climate. As such, obtaining credible projections of climate change at local scales has been, and remains, extremely challenging. R3 takes an integrated approach that will encompass a range of outcomes and represent detailed information about changes in precipitation, temperature and extremes. R3 will also address the so-called "usability gap" between climate change research and decision-making. The need for improved, robust and credible estimates of local-scale climate change in decision-relevant contexts is pressing both within Norway and abroad.

We identify four challenges that currently hinder production and uptake of climate information on local to regional scales: a) Insufficient spatial detail in existing multi-model ensembles; b) Persistent biases in global models; c) Approaches that sample a small range of outcomes and under-represent uncertainty; and d) Lack of effective two-way communication between scientists and user communities that often results in outputs/products, which do not match users' needs.

R3 will make use of existing capabilities of the Norwegian Centre for Climate Services (NCCS, https://klimaservicesenter.no/) and will develop new frameworks for producing reliable climate change projections on local to regional scales. The added value of these approaches will be evaluated, both from the stakeholders' perspective and in terms of scientific outcomes. R3 is open to all user communities in both the public and private sectors who use, or foresee using, climate change information in their planning and decision making processes. Please contact the project PI (stefan.sobolowski@uni.no) or the leader of R3's co-production work package (simon.neby@uni.no) for more information about participation in this exciting venture.



Relevant, reliable and robust local-scale climate projections for Norway




01.04.16 - 31.12.19

Totalt budsjett

9.983.000 NOK



Norges forskningsråd


Andreas Dobler
Kajsa Parding
Abdelkader Mezghani
Rasmus Benestad