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Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components (TiPACCs)

Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components (TiPACCs)

, Photo: Svein Østerhus (NORCE), Ekström PS, ,

Photo: Svein Østerhus (NORCE)

TiPACCs is a European Horizon 2020 research project investigating the possibility of sudden and large changes in Antarctic Climate Components. Recently, researchers found relatively warm waters below Antarctic ice shelves, indicating that the Antarctic continental shelf seas can tip from a ‘cold’ to a ‘warm’ state. Concurrently, recent research indicates that ice sheets, especially the parts of the ice sheet that rest on a bed below sea level, are prone to an unstable and irreversible retreat. The change in these two components (cold-to-warm ocean, and stability regime of the Antarctic Ice Sheet) are linked through to the impact that ice shelves can have on the upstream ice sheet and on the ocean below. If irreversible changes occur in the Antarctic components, and so-called tipping points are crossed, the ice sheet will likely quickly retreat, causing a dramatic increase in global mean sea level.


Svein Østerhus

Senior Researcher - Bergen

+47 56 10 75 63

Petra Langebroek

Research Director Earth Systems - Bergen

+47 56 10 75 32

Project facts


Tipping Points in Antarctic Climate Components (TiPACCs)




01.08.19 - 31.01.24

Total budget

4.600.000 NOK

Project website


Research group

Research Topics



Project members


Northumbria University Newcastle, Potsdam Institute for Climate Research, Alfred wegener Institute, Université Grenoble Alpes