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CoMIP: Collaborative Earth System Model development and intercomparison on permafrost processes

CoMIP: Collaborative Earth System Model development and intercomparison on permafrost processes

The ESM representation of permafrost processes has limited representation of permafrost thaw related processes, which hamper accurate projections of global carbon cycling and climate feedback cycles within the current and future climate system. The land surface model of the NorESM, CLM, has been considered one of the most advanced land surface models used in CMIP5 in terms of more realistically simulating permafrost temperatures. Since then, different modeling centres put much effort into developing and improving permafrost representation. CoMIP project aims to gain much needed global permafrost model development on process-level representation of permafrost thaw related changes in biogeochemistry, and to evaluate the current and improved model, model intercomparison and model evaluation with observations to bring permafrost representation and the quantification of climate feedback in NorESM closer to reality. This involves close collaborations in developing permafrost processes with another prominent permafrost modeling group (Met Office Hadley Centre / University of Leeds in the UK). In addition, intercomparison of model simulations will help us to constrain uncertainty associated with model structure and nature. Ultimately, CoMIP will advance NorESM to contribute better simulations for CMIPs and scientific synthesis of climate research for the IPCC reports.

Project facts


CoMIP: Collaborative Earth System Model development and intercomparison on permafrost processes




01.02.17 - 31.12.17


Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Project members