CO2-SPICER - CO2 Storage Pilot in a Carbonate Reservoir
Primary objectives
If the overall objective is successfully achieved, it will be the first CO2 storage pilot project in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, the CO2-SPICER project will significantly increase the technological readiness level of CO2 geological storage in the Czech Republic and, at the same time, represent a significant step towards the deployment of the CCS technology in Central Europe.
The CCS (CO2 Capture and Storage) technology is being successfully developed worldwide. It involves capturing CO2 emitted by large industrial plants and subsequently storing it in dense fluid form in rocks deep beneath the earth surface by means of boreholes. The motivation is to limit the growing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and to mitigate the associated climate change.
The project is part of a long-term concept of CO2 geological storage development in the Czech Republic. Its successful implementation will provide not only a model for other intended CO2 storage sites in the conditions of the Czech Republic and Europe, but also the possibility of using the targeted storage site immediately after project completion.
Specialists will construct a three-dimensional geological model of the entire storage complex and simulate the injection of CO2 into selected layers. Other important parts of the work are studies on the geomechanical and geochemical properties of the storage site, analysis of possible risks and plans for their minimization, and site monitoring.
The CO2-SPICER project will employ a number of new approaches and methods. In addition to dynamic modelling and computer simulation of CO2 injection, these include the latest monitoring techniques and an evaluation of the possibility of combining CO2 storage with bacterial methanogenesis.
Detailed project objectives include:
- construction of a three-dimensional geological model of the storage complex
- dynamic modelling and computer simulation of CO2 injection into the reservoir using various scenarios
- evaluation of geomechanical and geochemical properties of the storage complex
- assessment of risks associated with CO2 storage on the site
- preparation of a storage site monitoring plan
- preparation of scenarios for further site development, including design of injection facilities
Project facts
CO2-SPICER - CO2 Storage Pilot in a Carbonate Reservoir
01.11.20 - 01.04.24
Total budget
23.000.000 NOK