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ClimFor: Climate forestry under extreme climate - developing plant physiological parameters under extreme drought for climate model application

ClimFor: Climate forestry under extreme climate - developing plant physiological parameters under extreme drought for climate model application

Enhanced CO2 sequestration by terrestrial ecosystems is of growing interest as a mitigation option for international climate policy (IPCC 2014). Sequestration of carbon in forest biomass (so-called 'climate forestry') appears to be an attractive option, as it has technological as well as cost advantages compared to emission reduction via industry and transport. In Norway, extensive planting of trees in open landscapes has been suggested as an important policy measure (St. Meld. 21 2011-2012). In the context of climate change forestry, however, there exists huge challenges: extreme events, e.g. drought, heat, high precipitation or flooding, will occur more often, in higher intensities and in modified seasonal pattern. Extreme events are affecting forest ecosystems particularly as the natural adaptability to these relatively rare and unpredictable events is quite limited.
This project will bridge three projects focused on the impacts of climate forestry and ecosystem under extreme climate events across Norway and Germany: HiddenCosts (KLIMAFORSK, Uni Research, Norway), LandPress (MILJO, UiB, Norway), and BuTaKli (Waldklimafond, Uni Freiburg, Germany). By scholary exchange between Uni Freiburg and Uni Research, we will achieve 1) close collaborations between the two research groups investigating the topic of climate forestry (Uni Research Climate and University of Freiburg) 2) plant physiology model parameter development under extreme climatic events and to investigate possibilities of parameter development application in the Earth System Model framework using the Community Land Model as part of the Norwegian Earth System Model.

Project facts


ClimFor: Climate forestry under extreme climate - developing plant physiological parameters under extreme drought for climate model application




01.09.17 - 31.12.18

Total budget

98.000 NOK


Research Council of Norway (RCN)

Project members