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Norwegian Center for Geothermal Energy Research (CGER)

Norwegian Center for Geothermal Energy Research (CGER)

Norwegian Center for Geothermal Energy Research (CGER) was established in 2009. The Center, which has partners from all over Norway, is based in Bergen with NORCE Norwegian Research Centre AS (NORCE) as the Host Institution. CGER gathers key research and industrial partners, and builds a platform which strengthens national cooperation in research and technology development within geothermal energy research and development.

The Center covers through its Partners a range of areas within fields such as resource mapping and geological surveys, drilling technology, environmental impacts, reservoir engineering, process technology, energy conversion and system modeling.

Geothermal energy as a source for heating, cooling and power generation is covered by the center's areas of interest.


Anders Nermoen

Senior Researcher - Oslo

+47 51 87 50 86
+47 976 58 219

Project facts


Center for Geothermal Energy Research (CGER)



01.01.09 - 02.03.01


Bergen / Oslo

Project website


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