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Vilde Gjærum Gjærum


Siva Innovasjonssenter, Sykehusvn 21, 9019 Tromsø

I am a researcher in the Drones and Autonomous Systems group within the Technology Department at NORCE. My primary focus revolves around machine learning and computer vision for autonomous robots and automated processes. However, I also delve into questions of explainability for machine learning methods from time to time.

I obtained my master's degree in cybernetics and robotics from NTNU, providing me with a background in regulation and control methods, as well as computer vision and machine learning. In the spring of 2023, I successfully completed my doctoral degree titled "Machine Learning in Robotics: Explaining Autonomous Agents in Real-Time".

Furthermore, I am enthusiastic about giving presentations on artificial intelligence, explainable artificial intelligence, and robotics! Both for beginners within these topics but also for those who are familiar.