Torgeir Uberg Nærland attained his PhD from the University of Bergen, in media studies. His research span from journalism to data visualization to various forms of expressive culture, including music, TVseries and documentary film. In his research, he focuses on both textual and institutional aspects of the media, questions of media- and cultural policy as well as the sociology of media consumption. Much of his research has focused on the significance of media and expressive culture for democracy, including for populism, and also civic dimensions of people’s use of media and culture. Theoretically, he is interested in questions from political and social theory, as well as from cultural sociology. Nærland has in his research also explored the intersections between the media and public services / the welfare state.
Torgeir Uberg Nærland
Research Professor
+47 56 10 76 40
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

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Academic articleRitual check-in, shocked immersion, regained stability: A sequential typology of news experiences in crisis situations– Media, Culture and Society 2023
Academic articleToward a Sociologically Enriched Understanding of Anti-Media Populism:The Case of Enough is Enough!– International Journal of Communication 2023
Conference lectureMedia poverty: A conceptual framework– ECREA 2022
Conference lectureTowards a sociologically enriched understanding of anti-media populism– Norsk medieforskerkonferanse 2022
Conference lecturePlayful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition– ICA 2022
Conference lectureBeyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment– ICA International Communcation Association 2022
Conference lectureShifting between shock and stability: Towards a typology of temporality in news use– International Communication Asssociation Annual Conference 2022
Academic articleMediated recognition: Identity, respect, and social justice in a changing media environment– Communications 2022
Academic articlePlayful recognition: Television comedy and the politics of mediated recognition– Communications 2022
Academic articleBeyond representation: Public service media, minority audiences and the promotion of capabilities through entertainment– Poetics 2022
Academic articleTowards a critical understanding of data visualisation in democracy: a deliberative systems approach– Information, Communication & Society 2021
Research reportSivilsamfunn og integrering. En kunnskapsoppsummering– Institutt for samfunnsforskning 2021
Academic articleEnabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship– International Journal of Communication 2020
Academic chapterThe political significance of data visualisations: Four key perspectives– 2020
Academic chapterPopulism and popular culture: the case for an identity-oriented perspective– 2020
Conference lectureCultural consumption, cultural journalism and public connection: a lifestyle perspective– Cultural Journalism: Its Global, Democratic and Transformative Dimensions 2020
Academic monographInformerte borgere? Offentlig tilknytning, mediebruk og demokrati– Universitetsforlaget 2019
Academic articleFrom pleasure to politics: Five functions of watching TV-series for public connection– European Journal of Communication 2019
Academic articleBetween ritual and information: Three phases of Norwegian news audiences’ sense-making of the election of Donald Trump– Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism 2019
Conference lectureMediebruk, kulturbruk og frakobling– Foresight workshop: Sosial og kulturell ulikhet i mediebruk 2019
Conference lectureMediated (Mis)Recognition and the Formation of Populist Identities– Mediated Recognition: Identity, Justice and Activism 2019
Conference lectureTV-serier og medborgerskap– Seminar om mediebruk 2019
Conference lectureMediated Recognition, Populism and Identity– ICA 2019
Conference lectureManifest, Everyday and Deep Orientation: Public Connection across and beyond Journalistic Media– ICA 2019
Conference lectureFrom pleasure to politics: five functions of TV-series for public connection– ICA 2019
Feature articleCan data visualizations matter for politics?– From numbers to graphics 2019
Conference lectureThe political significance of data visualizations: four perspectives– ICA 2019 2019
Conference lectureFictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the Everyday Use of TV-series– ICA 2018
Conference lectureTV-series and public connection– Seminar om kjønn og mediebruk 2018
Conference lectureEnabling Cultural Policies: Culture and Capabilities– ECREA 2018
Conference lectureEnabling Cultural Policies?– International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR 2018) 2018
Popular scientific articleHar datavisualiseringer noen politisk betydning?– 2018
Conference lectureAnnoying clowning far away, world chattering shock and regained stability: Three phases of Norwegians Audiences' Sense-Making of the 2016 US Presidential election– Norsk medieforskerkonferanse 2018
Conference lectureAnnoying clowning far away, world chattering shock and regained stability: Three phases of Norwegians Audiences' Sense-Making of the 2016 US Presidential election– ECREA Lugano 2018
Conference lectureEnabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship– ECREA Lugano 2018
Feature articleKringkastingsrådet, Clemet og Klagekampanjer– VG : Verdens gang 2018
Conference lectureEnabling Cultural Policies? Culture, Capabilities and Citizenship– 10th International Conference on Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR2018) 2018
Conference lectureEnabled by Humor? Minority Youth, Humor and Public Service Broadcasting in Norway – the Case of Black Humor– International Communication Association (ICA) 2018
Academic articleFictional Entertainment and Public Connection: Audiences and the everyday use of TV-series– Television & New Media 2018
Feature articleKringkastingsrådet trenger fornyelse– Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.) 2018
Conference lectureAudiences and TV-series: Four Functions for Public Connection– CEDAR 2017
Conference lectureAudiences, expressive culture and public connection: the case of TV-series– Nordmedia 2017 2017
Research reportMediebruk og offentlig tilknytning:– Universitetet i Oslo 2017
Academic articleAltogether now? Symbolic recognition, musical media events and the forging of civic bonds among minority youth in Norway– European Journal of Cultural Studies 2017
Academic chapterJournalistiske virkelighetsbilder av velferdsstaten: fremstillingen av det offentlige omsorgsapparatet i «Jannes historie»– 2017
Academic chapterVelferdsstatens institusjoner og nyhetsmediene: en komparativ studie av medieinteraksjon i NAV og universitets- og forskningssektoren– 2017
Conference lectureMedia, Culture and Public Connection: Freedom of Information in the ’Age of Big Data’ – a presentation of the project– KULMEDIA 2016
Conference lectureRecognition Through Reception: Hip Hop Music and the Forging of Civic Bonds Among Minority Youth in Norway– ICA 2016
Conference lectureExpressive culture and public connection across socio cultural difference– ECREA 2016
Academic articleRight Wing Populism and Hip Hop Music in Norway– JOMEC Journal 2016
Academic articleEditors' Introduction: Expressive Culture and Populist Radical Right Parties in Europe– JOMEC Journal 2016
Academic articleMusic, Ideology, and Emerging Political Elites: Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities among Young Politicians in Norway– Praktiske grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab 2016
Academic articleColonizing the academy? Organisational mediatisation and public research institutions– Mediekultur 2016
Conference lectureVictims of the Mainstream Media? Right Wing Populism and Political Debate in Norway– ICA preconference: Populism in, by, and Against the Media 2016
Conference lecturePopular music, symbolic recognition and civic identity among minority youth in Norway– ECREA Communication and democracy conference 2015 2015
Conference lectureMediating the welfare state: journalistic representations of institutional dysfunction– Nordmedia 2015 2015
Conference lectureMediating the Nordic Welfare Model: Journalistic Representations and Public Attitudes– ICA 2015 afternoon pre-conference: Public Sector Communication: The Challenge of Building Intangible Assets 2015
Conference lectureColonizing the Academy? Organisational Mediatisation and Public Research Institutions– ICA 2015 2015
Conference lectureMusic, Ideology, and Emerging Political Elites: A Survey of Musical Taste and Aesthetic Sensibilities Among Young Politicians in Norway– ICA 2015 2015
Academic articleFrom musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Karpe Diem in the aftermath of the Utøyamassacre– Popular Communication - The International Journal of Media and Culture 2015
Academic chapterMyte i Blomst: Samspillet mellom musikk og bilder i Bruce Conners The White Rose– 2015
Academic chapterFlow som politisk retorikk: Lyrisk og rytmisk samspill i Lars Vaulars 'Kem skjøt Siv Jensen'– 2015
Conference lectureOrganisational mediatisation and public research institutions– Norsk Medieforskerkonferanse 2014 2014
Conference lectureWhat was actually heard? Receptive dimensions of music as political rhetoric– Norsk Medieforskerkonferanse, 2014
Conference lectureMinority youth,hip hop music and cultural citizenship in Norway– ECREA 2015 2014
Conference lectureReceptive dimensions of music as political rhetoric– Norsk Medieforskerkonferanse 2014 2014
Conference lectureMediatisation and public research institutions– Norsk Medieforskerkonferanse 2014 2014
Conference lectureFrom musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Norwegian hip hop in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre– Music, Circulation and the Public Sphere 2014
Conference lectureMusic and right wing populism– ICA - International Communication Association Conference 2014
Conference lectureFrom musical expressivity to public political discourse proper: the case of Norwegian hip hop in the aftermath of the Utøya massacre– ICA - International Communication Association Conference 2014
Conference lectureFlow som politisk retorikk– Inter Artes 2014
Academic articleRhythm, rhyme and reason: hip hop expressivity as political discourse– Popular Music 2014
Academic articleHip hop and the public sphere: political commitment and communicative practices on the Norwegian hip hop-scene– Javnost - The Public 2014
Conference lectureRapping against the populist right– (Mis)understanding political participation 2013
Conference lectureRapping against the populist right: Norwegian hip hip and The Progress Party– (Mis)understanding political participation 2013