Research fields are marine biotechnology, bioprospecting, enzyme discovery, enzyme development, protein production, molecular biology. We offer competence within biotechnological solutions for the bio-based marine industry. Our focus is to develop enzymes designed for the industry. We are working on enzyme discovery, but also on optimization of existing enzymes. The methods we are using are bioprospecting, functional screening of enzyme activity, state-of-the-art recombinant cloning, heterologous expression of proteins in prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems, enzyme production, enzyme activity, development of enzyme assays, protein purification, immunoblotting, lab and project management.
Gro Elin Kjæreng Bjerga
Research Director
+47 56 10 74 04
+47 907 81 736
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Climate & Environment
Research Groups
More information about Gro
Academic articleIncreased Thermostability of an Engineered Flavin-Containing Monooxygenase to Remediate Trimethylamine in Fish Protein Hydrolysates– Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2023
Academic articleCharacterization of a novel cold-adapted intracellular serine protease from the extremophile Planococcus halocryophilus Or1– Frontiers in Microbiology 2023
Academic articleA ShK-like Domain from Steinernema carpocapsae with Bioinsecticidal Potential– Toxins 2022
Academic articleSmall, charged proteins in salmon louse (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) secretions modulate Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) immune responses and coagulation– Scientific Reports 2022
Conference lectureNovel enzymatic strategies to remediate smell in fish protein hydrolysates– Enzymatic protein hydrolysis and bioactive peptides 2022
Academic articleThe bone-degrading enzyme machinery: From multi-component understanding to the treatment of residues from the meat industry– Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 2021
Academic articleTwo-step functional screen on multiple proteinaceous substrates reveals temperature-robust proteases with a broad-substrate range– Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2021
Academic articleCommunity-Wide Experimental Evaluation of the PROSS Stability-Design Method– Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) 2021
Academic articleDeciphering a Marine Bone-Degrading Microbiome Reveals a Complex Community Effort– mSystems 2021
Academic articleFragment exchange (FX) plasmid tools for CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene integration and protease production in Bacillus subtilis– Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2020
Academic articleUse of flavin containing monooxygenases for conversion of trimethylamine in salmon protein hydrolysates– Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2020
Conference lectureTHE SALMON LOUSE (LEPEOPHTHEIRUS SALMONIS) SALIVARY GLAND SECRETES IMMUNE REGULATORY PROTEINS– 19th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish 2019
Academic articleBioprospecting Reveals Class III ω-Transaminases Converting Bulky Ketones and Environmentally Relevant Polyamines– Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2019
Academic articleDecoding the Ocean’s Microbiological Secrets for Marine Enzyme Biodiscovery– FEMS Microbiology Letters 2018
Academic articleDevelopment of Versatile Vectors for Heterologous Expression in Bacillus– Microorganisms 2018
Academic articleMutational analysis of the pro-peptide of a marine intracellular subtilisin protease supports its role in inhibition– Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2018
Academic articleBiochemical characterization of ParI, an orphan C5-DNA methyltransferase from Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4– Protein Expression and Purification 2018
Academic articleDeterminants and Prediction of Esterase Substrate Promiscuity Patterns– Journal of the American Chemical Society 2017
Professional articleMikroalger – et nytt råstoff for en bærekraftig oppdrettsnæring– Nf xpert : en spesialutgave av Norsk fiskeoppdrett 2017
Conference lectureSkrott og bein på menyen?– Uni Research Miljø - intern seminarserie 2017
Conference lectureBlue perspectives of NorZymeD: New enzymes are key to future developments in the emerging bio-based industry– NorZymeD annual meeting 2017 2017
Conference lectureNew enzyme tools are key to future developments in the emerging Norwegian marine bio-based industry– BioCat Annual Conference 2017 2017
Popular scientific articleFiskeben til middag?– Dagens næringsliv 2016
Conference lectureProduction of proteases for industrial applications– P4EU meeting 2016
Conference lectureProtease identification, development and production for industrial applications– Seminar series for doctoral candidates and post-doctoral researchers 2016
Academic articleA rapid solubility-optimized screening procedure for recombinant subtilisins in E. coli– Journal of Biotechnology 2016
Academic articleRole of residues W228 and Y233 in the structure and activity of metallo-β-lactamase GIM-1– Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2016
Academic articleEngineering low-temperature expression systems for heterologous production of cold-adapted enzymes– Bioengineered 2016
Academic articleCold shock induction of recombinant Arctic environmental genes– BMC Biotechnology 2015
Academic articleStructural and biochemical characterization of VIM-26 shows that Leu224 has implications for the substrate specificity of VIM metallo-β-lactamases– The FEBS Journal 2015
Academic articleThe PHD finger of p300 influences its ability to acetylate histone and non-histone targets– Journal of Molecular Biology (JMB) 2014
Academic articleHis224 alters the R2 drug binding site and Phe218 influences the catalytic efficiency of the metallo-β-lactamase VIM-7– Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2014