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Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability (The SEED-trial)

Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability (The SEED-trial)

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The share of young workers falling into early work disability is an increasingly important problem in Norway. Early withdrawal or exclusion from the labor market leads to large individual and societal costs. The SEED-trial is a randomized controlled trial aiming to provide evidence-based knowledge about different approaches to prevent permanent disability and increase labor market participation in this important and vulnerable group. The trial includes young adults aged 18-30 years who are at risk of early work disability, and the participants will be randomly assigned to 1 of 2 interventions, both aimed at facilitating participation in working life:

  1. Traditional Vocational Rehabilitation (TVR), offering training and preparation for the labor market in a sheltered environment
  2. Supported Employment (SE), focusing on competitive employment in real-life settings without long-lasting preceding training

Both interventions are currently provided by The Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV). Supported Employment was introduced recently and is currently being implemented, while traditional vocational rehabilitation with sheltered employment has been around for years. However, no Norwegian controlled studies have been conducted on these practices in this population. The current study will therefore provide new knowledge of the effect of traditional as well as new and promising interventions to increase labor market participation and prevent early disability.

Project facts


Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability (SEED-trial)




19.05.14 - 01.12.25

Total budget

8.000.000 NOK

Research group

Research Topics

Project members

Silje Endresen Reme
Stein Atle Lie
Astrid Louise Hanssen Wang