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SMARTech - Smart microgrid development technology based on Digital Twin

SMARTech - Smart microgrid development technology based on Digital Twin

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The project will use a digital twin approach to consider transitions to Smart Grids starting from existing infrastructures followed by the implementation of renewable energy generation equipment, storage solutions, smart consumption strategies, monitoring, remote control and energy efficiency.

Overall objective: Design and demonstration of smart microgrid development technology dedicated to accelerating the integration of renewable sources, increasing energy efficiency, including design, construction, monitoring and lifetime operation of microgrids.

Expected results where the technology is applied:

  • Increase in renewable energy production through the development of microgrids - 2%
  • Energy efficiency through implementation of peak shaving and time shifting algorithms - up to 23%
  • Improved energy security based on intelligent control and Digital Twin simulations - target is 100%

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Project facts


SMARTech - Smart microgrid development technology based on Digital Twin




01.09.22 - 31.12.23



Total budget

2.310.000 NOK

Research areas

Research group

Research Topics


The EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Regional Cooperation


Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA

Project members

Gheroghe Florea
Teodora Mindra


Societatea de Inginerie Sisteme SIS SA, NORCE