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Safety in emergency primary health care

Safety in emergency primary health care

Working in emergency primary health care increases the risk of experiencing threats and violence from patients or other visitors.

Knowledge about the prevalence of threats and violence against emergeny primary care personnel, how they manage threats and violence and how they register and follow up the incidents, may increase the possibility to prevent such incidents.

The project includes the following parts:

1. Is working in emergency primarty health care dangerous? The aim was to find the prevalence of threats and violence among health personnel.

2. Prevention of violence against health personnel. The aim was to investigate safety measures in all out-of-hours services in Norway.

3. Experiences of threats and violence in out-of-hours services. The aim of the project was to A. investigate experiences of managing threats and violence from patients or visitors, and B.identify important factors for increased safety,reducing number of incidents and serious consequences.

4. Adjustment and validation of a tool for registration of violent incidents at the emergency primary health care.

Målet med prosjektet er å:

  1. utforske legevaktpersonells erfaringer med trusler og vold fra pasienter/besøkende, og
  2. undersøke hva legevaktpersonell opplever som viktig for å øke trygghet, redusere antall episoder og alvorlige konsekvenser i arbeidssituasjonen.

Project facts


Safety in emergency primary health care




09.10.08 - 31.12.20


Norwegian Directorate of Healt

Project members

Knut Rypdal
Tom Krisman Kule Palmstierna