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SAFARI database project (phase 4)

SAFARI database project (phase 4)

The main theme for Safari phase 4 is expanding upon the existing database platform to incorporate analogues for a broader range of reservoir systems, following the philosophy that has been successfully developed and implemented over the past ten years. There are three principal goals for Phase 4:

  • To expand the breadth of SAFARI to incorporate a boarder range of geologies, including carbonates, structural geology and potentially other reservoir related systems;
  • To expand the functionality of the database and allow faster and more comprehensive analysis of the analogue data. This will use AI and Machine Learning and to better analyse data within the database; a variety of new tools to generate synthetic seismic data from analogues and, improved user functionality;
  • To significantly grow the database through collecting new data (e.g. student projects), crowd sourcing public data and strategic partnerships with other research institutions to implement for example process based models as a further source of analogue data.

This work is arranged into 7 work packages and runs over a 4 year period.

Project facts


SAFARI database project (phase 4)




01.12.18 - 30.11.22

Project members

John Anthony Howell
Nicole Naumann
Simon John Buckley
Gail Maxwell
Conor Lewis
Magda Chmielewska
Kari Ringdal
Joris Vanbiervliet