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National research school in general practice (NAFALM)

National research school in general practice (NAFALM)

The National research school in general practice (NAFALM) aims to increase the quality of the research in general practice in Norway. The school is a supplement to existing PhD programs at the medical faculties and will provide specific research training targeting general practice. In addition to offering PhD courses, the school emphasizes networking for students and supervisors through seminars, web-based meetings and support for research visits at foreign universities.

The research school is a joint collaboration between the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, NTNU and the University of Tromsø. The Research School was established in 2013 and is funded by the Research Council until 2021. Anja Brænd (UoO) is the director. At AFE-Bergen and UoB are Stefan Hjørleifsson (scientific coordinator) and Sabine Ruths (member of the steering committee) involved in the research school.

Duration: 01.01.13 – 31.12.21

Updated: 03.08.20

Project facts


National research school in general practice (NAFALM)



24.10.24 - 24.10.24

Project website


Project members

Sabine Ruths
Stefan Hjørleifsson