Establishing Long-term High-Resolution Coralline Algae Records of Arctic-Atlantic Ocean-Sea Ice Variability (CARA-ICE)
The primary objective of CARA-ICE is to constrain the role of natural, long-term variability of Atlantic inflow via the West Spitsbergen Current into the Arctic-Atlantic on the radical sea ice loss observed during recent decades. The project aims at providing a definitive breakthrough in our capacity to provide baseline data for the Atlantic sector of the Arctic for the last few centuries. With CARA-ICE we will be able to address several longstanding questions regarding the Arctic sea ice cover that, due to the shortness of the instrumental record, remain unknown. CARA-ICE is a project that takes an innovative approach to understand the multicentury variability in temperature, sea ice and ocean dynamics in the Arctic-Atlantic, an area of research that so far has been inadequately addressed with other proxies by the international research community. In CARA-ICE we will develop and evaluate a multiproxy approach based on coralline algae records to establish natural baseline levels of ocean temperature and sea ice associated with multicentury pre-industrial climatic changes in the Arctic-Atlantic.
Project facts
Establishing Long-term High-Resolution Coralline Algae Records of Arctic-Atlantic Ocean-Sea Ice Variability (CARA-ICE)
01.12.19 - 30.11.23