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Depresjon i allmennpraksis

Depresjon i allmennpraksis

Project title: The regular general practitioner scheme: integrated and equitable pathways of depression care, facilitating work participation (The Norwegian GP-DEP study).

We conduct research on variation in health care provision and patient pathways for people with depression, within the framework of the regular general practitioner scheme. The focus is also patients’ and professional groups’ experiences with depression care. The purpose is to develop new knowledge that can help to improve the health care for this patient group. The Research Unit for general Practice at NORCE is responsible for the study. The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Depression is a societal challenge globally. The condition requires person-centered and coordinated health care, and the GP plays a key role in the overall services.

The project follows two main tracks:

Registry studies examining whether the regular GP scheme in Norway contributes to equal health services for patients with depression, and whether the services promote work participation across gender, age and socio-economic status. The empirical basis for the studies is linked data from national health and social security registries.

Studies investigating factors that promote or inhibit coordinated health care for patients with depression, where GP's services are at the center. Through discussions in focus groups and interviews with key users, as well as a survey of primary care physicians, we will gain insight into the processes involved in integrated and coordinated health care.

The project consists of the following studies:

  • Variation in GPs’ depression care and patient pathways: registry-based studies
  • How are patients with depression met and helped in primary health care? Focus groups with GPs and other helpers
  • Young marginalized patients with depression in general practice: case studies
  • Follow-up of depressed patients: national survey among Norwegian GPs

In addition, we conduct the following studies:

  • GPs’ depression care and patients’ preferences: survey among patients in general practice
  • How are patients with symptoms of depression met and helped in primary health care? Survey among patients

We have appointed a user group with representatives from patient organization Mental Health, various health professions, municipality and NAV. The user group has an important role in the planning and implementation of the project and in disseminating the results.

PI: Sabine Ruths.

Project participants: Inger Haukenes, Stefan Hjørleifsson, Norman Anderssen, Valborg Baste, Øystein Hetlevik, Tone Smith-Sivertsen, Benedicte Carlsen, Berit Bringedal, Heidi Marie Kjølstad, Sara Tahir, Anneli Hansen, Sharline Riiser and Ina Grung.

Project facts


Depresjon i allmennpraksis




01.01.17 - 31.12.25




Research Council of Norway (RCN)



Project members

Sabine Ruths
Norman Anderssen
Stefan Hjørleifsson
Øystein Hetlevik
Tone Smith-Sivertsen
Benedicte Carlsen
Sharline Riiser