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Ageing at home - innovation in home-based care in rural parts of Northern Norway

Ageing at home - innovation in home-based care in rural parts of Northern Norway

We live in a society marked by an ageing population. The ageing population is especially noticeable in rural area with high out-migration of younger people, and sometimes also in-migration of retirees. Research indicates that the majority of elderly people prefer to live in their own home, including in the later stages of their lives when they depend on care from various providers. In order to meet the increasing demographic and care challenges, innovation in home-based care arrangements is promoted as a key solution in Norwegian policy documents. In this project, we will examine the challenges and opportunities that rural communities represent as caring spaces in order to contribute to innovation in elderly home-based care in remote areas. In particular, we ask: What are the expectations and experiences of the elderly themselves with regards to ageing at home and receiving home-based care? And: What role do formal and informal care providers as well as welfare technology have in rural home-based care today? A qualitative study will be conducted in two municipalities in Northern Norway: Tana (Finnmark) and Steigen (Nordland). These municipalities have been selected for two reasons: a) they provide home-based care arrangements for elderly in remote areas thus having to cope with distance, and b) they are already involved in innovative thinking in the health- and care sector. This study will strengthen ongoing innovation processes, as well as contribute to new care arrangements in the selected municipalities through e.g. increased user influence; active involvement of family members and other informal care providers such as neighbors and volunteers; task shifting, as well as new uses of information technologies..

Project facts


Ageing at home - innovation in home-based care in rural parts of Northern Norway




01.01.16 - 31.12.18

Research group

Project members

Mai Camilla Munkejord
Walter Schönfelder