Laboratory facilities
The laboratory is used for testing recent technology before being implemented in the oil and gas fields on the Norwegian continental shelf (NCS). Several of the central laboratory facilities have been developed through collaboration with the petroleum and service industries. Apparatus for ambient, semi-reservoir, or reservoir condition studies have been used in several projects, e.g.:
- IOR and EOR flooding experiments
- Two and three-phase steady state (SS) and unsteady state (USS) flooding experiments with X-ray (in-situ saturation monitoring - ISSM) in either vertical/horizontal positions
- Capillary pressure and resistivity index at net confining pressure
- Centrifuge for wettability characterization and relative permeability studies
- Slim tube for crude oil-gas minimum miscibility pressure (MMP) studies
- Trapped gas measurements
- Geological storage of CO2, e.g. CO2 caprock threshold pressure measurements, convection, rock-fluid interactions, salt precipitation, and wettability alteration