I am a senior researcher with the Drilling and Well Modeling group at the NORCE Energy department, and the recipient of a MSCA Individual Fellowship and FRIPRO Mobility stipend. I am the project leader of the Robust Estimation and Control of Infinite Dimensional Systems (RECIDS) project: This project is focused on the development and implementation of model-based control and estimation algorithms for systems described by PDEs (i.e. infinite dimensional systems). Before the mobility stipend I received my PhD at NTNU in the Intelligent Drilling -- Automated Underbalanced Drilling Operations project, and then worked as a PostDoc in the DrillWell program. I spent one year from 2018-2019 working with Prof. Miroslav Krstic at the University of California at San Diego and one year from 2019-2020 working with Prof. Florent Di Meglio at Mines ParisTech, France. In May 2018 I organized the “Fourth International Colloquium on Non-linear dynamics and control of deep drilling systems” in Stavanger, Norway.
Ulf Jakob Flø Aarsnes
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 56 71
Tullins gate 2, 0166 Oslo, Norway

Energy and Technology
Research Groups
Energy Modelling and Automation
More information about Ulf
Academic articleEvaluation of distributed damping subs with active control for stick–slip reduction in drilling– Geoenergy Science and Engineering 2023
Academic articleBoundary Control and Estimation for Under-Balanced Drilling with Uncertain Reservoir Parameters– IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2023
Academic chapterModeling and Analysis of Non-Rotating Damping Subs for Removing Torsional Vibrations in Drilling– 2022
Conference lectureModeling and Analysis of Non-Rotating Damping Subs for Removing Torsional Vibrations in Drilling– ASME 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering 2022
Academic articleSelf-Tuning Torsional Drilling Model for Real-Time Applications– American Control Conference (ACC) 2020
Academic articleA phenomenological transient model of bit foundering– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2020
Conference lectureSelf-tuning torsional drilling model for real-time applications– 2020 American Control Conference (ACC) 2020
Academic articleRobust control design of underactuated 2× 2 PDE-ODE-PDE systems– IEEE Control Systems Letters 2020
Academic articleClosed-loop tool face control with the bit off-bottom– Journal of Process Control 2020
Academic articleRobust output feedback stabilization of an ODE–PDE–ODE interconnection– Automatica 2020
Academic articleAxial and torsional self-excited vibrations of a distributed drill-string– Journal of Sound and Vibration 2019
Conference lectureCreating Open Source Models, Test Cases, and Data for Oilfield Drilling Challenges– SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, 5-7 March, The Hague, The Netherlands 2019
Academic articleDelay robust control design of under-actuated PDE-ODE-PDE systems– American Control Conference (ACC) 2019
Academic articleEffect of shock subs on self-excited vibrations in drilling systems– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2019
Academic articleExtremum seeking for real-time optimal drilling control– American Control Conference (ACC) 2019
Academic articleEstimating friction factors while drilling– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2019
Academic articleBenchmarking of Industrial Stick-Slip Mitigation Controllers– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2018
Academic articleDelay-Robust Control Design for Two Heterodirectional Linear Coupled Hyperbolic PDEs– IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2018
Non-fiction chapterEffects of latency, motor inertia and filtering on stick-slip mitigation control– 2018
Academic articleStick-slip and torsional friction factors in inclined wellbores– MATEC Web of Conferences 2018
Academic articleRobust output regulation of 2x 2 hyperbolic systems: Control law and Input-to-State Stability– American Control Conference (ACC) 2018
Academic articleAvoiding stick slip vibrations in drilling through startup trajectory design– Journal of Process Control 2018
Academic articleFlow and pressure control of underbalanced drilling operations using NMPC– Journal of Process Control 2018
Academic articleTransient modeling of one-dimensional solid-liquid flow in conduits– International Journal of Multiphase Flow 2018
Academic articleDynamics of a distributed drill string system: Characteristic parameters and stability maps– Journal of Sound and Vibration 2018
Academic articleTorsional vibrations with bit off bottom: Modeling, characterization and field data validation– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2018
Conference lectureAxial and torsional dynamics of a distributed drill string system– 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference 2017
Conference lectureStick-slip and torsional friction factors in inclined wellbores– International Conference on Engineering Vibration 2017
Academic articleState and Parameter Estimation of a Drift-Flux Model for Underbalanced Drilling Operations– IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 2017
Conference lectureMathematical Modeling of Gas in Riser– SPE Deepwater Drilling and Completions Conference 2016
Academic literature reviewReview of two-phase flow models for control and estimation– Annual Reviews in Control 2016
Academic articleRobust controller design for automated kick handling in managed pressure drilling– Journal of Process Control 2016
Academic articleReal-time estimation of reservoir influx rate and pore pressure using a simplified transient two-phase flow model– Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 2016
Academic articleA simplified two-phase flow model using a quasi-equilibrium momentum balance– International Journal of Multiphase Flow 2016
Academic articleLinear stability analysis of self-excited vibrations in drilling using an infinite dimensional model– Journal of Sound and Vibration 2016
Academic articleA methodology for classifying operating regimes in underbalanced-drilling operations– SPE Journal 2016
Conference lectureA Simplified Gas-Liquid Flow Model for Kick Mitigation and Control During Drilling Operations– ASME 2015 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 2015
Conference lectureA Simplified Transient Multi-Phase Model for Automated Well Control Applications– International Petroleum Technology Conference 2015
Academic articleEstimation of states and parameters of a drift-flux model with unscented kalman filter– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2015
Conference lectureA Methodology for classifying operating regimes in UBO– SPE Managed Pressure Drilling and Well Control Workshop 2015
Academic articleA distributed parameter systems view of control problems in drilling– IFAC-PapersOnLine 2015
Conference lectureEstimation of States and Parameters of Drift-Flux Model with Unscented Kalman Filter– 2nd IFAC Workshop on Automatic Control in Offshore Oil and Gas Production 2015
Academic chapterFit-for-Purpose Modeling for Automation of Underbalanced Drilling Operations– 2014
Academic articleModeling and avoidance of heave-induced resonances in offshore drilling– SPE Drilling & Completion 2014
Academic articleAn adaptive observer for hyperbolic systems with application to UnderBalanced Drilling– Elsevier IFAC Publications / IFAC Proceedings series 2014
Conference lectureCONTROL-ORIENTED DRIFT-FLUX MODELING OF SINGLE AND TWO-PHASE FLOW FOR DRILLING– ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference 2014
Conference lectureAn adaptive observer for hyperbolic systems with application to UnderBalanced Drilling– Proceeding of the 2014 IFAC World Congress 2014
Conference lectureFit-for-Purpose Modeling for Automation of Underbalanced Drilling Operations– SPE/IADC Managed Pressure Drilling & Underbalanced Operations Conference & Exhibition 2014
Conference lectureRejection of heave-induced pressure oscillations in Managed Pressure Drilling– International Colloquium on Nonlinear Dynamics and Control of Deep Drilling Systems 2014
Academic chapterLimits of Controller Performance in the Heave Disturbance Attenuation Problem– 2013
Conference lectureLimits of Controller Performance in the Heave Disturbance Attenuation Problem– European Control Conference 2013
Conference lectureModeling for MPD operations with experimental validation– IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition 2012
Academic chapterQuantifying Error Introduced by Finite Order Discretization of a Hydraulic Well Model– 2012
Conference lectureQuantifying Error Introduced by Finite Order Discretization of a Hydraulic Well Model– 2012 Australian Control Conference 2012
Academic chapterModeling for MPD operations with experimental validation– 2009