I have a master's and doctorate in applied mathematics from the University of Bergen (2014). In 2015, I started as a researcher in NORCE (formerly IRIS) and am associated with the group "Computational Geosciences and Modeling" at the Department of Energy & Technology.
My research interests are numerical simulation and modeling of flow and transport in porous media. Such models can be used for CO2 storage, oil recovery, energy storage, groundwater flow and much more.
Trine Mykkeltvedt
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 56 29
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Energy and Technology
Research themes
CCS/CCUS: Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
Reservoir Modelling
Research Groups
Computational Geosciences and Modelling
More information about Trine
Conference lectureImpact of impurities on CO2 plume migration with application to CCS for H2 production– 16th International Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-16 2022
Academic articleCO2 Convection in Hydrocarbon Under Flowing Conditions– Transport in Porous Media 2021
Academic chapterPVT and flow behaviour of impure CO2 in aquifers– 2021
Conference lectureSimulation technology for carbon negative oil production– Bergen CCUS Seminar 2019 2019
Conference lectureThe role of convection for CO2 migration and trapping in CO2-EOR Reservoirs– Interpore 2019 2019
Conference lecturePermanent carbon storage in EOR reservoirs: towards carbon-neutral hydro- carbon production on the NCS– IOR Norway 2019 2019
Academic articleA fully implicit WENO scheme on stratigraphic and unstructured polyhedral grids– Computational Geosciences 2019
Conference lectureComparison of Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin and Weno Schemes on Stratigraphic and Unstructured Grids– SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2019
Academic chapterFully implicit WENO schemes on stratigraphic and fully unstructured grids– 2018
Conference lectureFully implicit WENO schemes on stratigraphic and fully unstructured grids– ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 2018
Conference lectureFully implicit higher-order schemes applied to polymer flooding– Open porous media (OPM) developers meeting 2017
Conference lectureSimulating polymer flooding using implicit high-resolution methods– SIAM GS 2017 2017
Academic articleFully implicit higher-order schemes applied to polymer flooding– Computational Geosciences 2017
Conference lectureFully Implicit Higher-order Schemes Applied to Polymer Flooding– ECMOR XV 2016
Academic chapterFully Implicit Higher-order Schemes Applied to Polymer Flooding– 2016
Academic chapterNumerical Aspects of Polymer Flood Modeling– 2014
Conference lectureOn the Performance of the Upstream Mobility Scheme Applied to Counter-Current Two-Phase Flow in a Heterogeneous Porous Medium– SPE reservoir simulation symposium 2013 2013
Academic articleEstimating effective rates of convective mixing from commercial-scale injection– Environmental Earth Sciences 2012
Academic chapterErrors in the upstream mobility scheme for counter-current two-phase flow with discontinuous permeabilities– 2012