I am a political scientist who takes an interest in democratic behavior, public opinion, and elections, with a main methodological focus on survey experiments. Currently I lead the projects Can Fair Decision Making Procedures Increase The Legitimacy of Democracies?, and Democratic innovation in practice. I am also the Norwegian National Coordinator of the European Social Survey.
Sveinung Arnesen
Research Professor, leader Democratic Behavior and Governance
+47 56 10 76 03
+47 995 32 496
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Health & Social Sciences
Research Groups
Restructuring of the Public Sector
More information about Sveinung
Download pressphotoSource: Andreas R. Graven, NORCE
Academic articleLook to Denmark or not? An experimental study of the Social Democrats’ strategic choices– Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy 2023
Academic articleBeyond the Myth of Legality? Framing Effects and Public Reactions to High Court Decisions in Europe– Comparative Political Studies 2023
Academic articleHow to be Gracious about Political Loss—The Importance of Good Loser Messages in Policy Controversies– Comparative Political Studies 2022
Research reportDemokratiske algoritmer– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Research reportDeliberativ meningsmåling i Bergen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Academic chapterLoddet er kastet: Om bruken av innbyggerpaneler i lokalpolitikken– 2021
Academic articleSupport for electoral system reform among voters and politicians: Studying information effects through survey experiments– Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy 2021
Non-fiction chapterDemokratisk legitimitet – betydning av representasjon og prosess– 2020
Academic articlePåvirker det å bli informert om konsekvenser av endringer i stortingvalgordningen velgernes holdninger til den? En surveyeksperimentell tilnærming– Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2019
Academic articleDo immigration scenarios influence Norwegians’ attitudes towards immigrants? A survey experiment– Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2019
Conference lectureThe Bounded Legitimacy of Majority Rule– 2019 MPSA conference, April 4-7, Chicago 2019
Academic articleDo citizens make inferences from political candidate characteristics when aiming for substantive representation?– Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy 2019
Academic articleConditional Legitimacy: How Turnout, Majority Size and Outcome Affect Perceptions of Legitimacy in EU Membership Referendums– European Union Politics 2019
Research reportFrivillighetens grunnfjell: Hvem gir mest tid og penger til frivillige organisasjoner?– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2019
Academic articleExplaining variance in the accuracy of prediction markets– International Journal of Forecasting 2018
Conference lectureBy What Authority? Uncovering the Conditional Mandate from Referendums– ECPR General Conference, Hamburg 2018
Conference lectureBy What Authority? Uncovering the Conditional Mandate from Referendums– Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, USA 2018
Research reportNorwegian Citizen Panel 2018: Study Documentation and data set– Universitetet i Oslo 2018
Research reportOrganisasjonsengasjement blant innvandrarar– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2018
Academic articleCould information about herd immunity help us achieve herd immunity? Evidence from a population representative survey experiment– Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2018
Academic articleThe Legitimacy of Representation: How Descriptive, Formal, and Responsiveness Representation Affect the Acceptability of Political Decisions– Comparative Political Studies 2017
Conference lectureReferendums as the wiggle room of democracy– Annual conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA) 2017
Academic articleDo Polls Influence Opinions? Investigating Poll Feedback Loops Using the Novel Dynamic Response Feedback Experimental Procedure– Social science computer review 2017
Academic chapterHar kommunevalgkampen noen betydning?– 2017
Academic articleLegitimacy from Decision-Making Influence and Outcome Favourability: Results from General Population Survey Experiments– Political Studies 2017
Research reportDo Polls Influence Opinions? Testing the Spiral of Silence using a Dynamic Response Feedback Algorithm– DIGSSCORE DIGITAL SOCIAL SCIENCE CORE FACILITY 2017
Academic articleSosial forankring og aktivt medlemskap i frivillige organisasjoner– Nordiske organisasjonsstudier 2016
Academic articleUsing prediction market data for measuring the expected closeness in electoral research– Electoral Studies: an international journal on voting and electoral systems and strategy 2016
Conference lectureNot only measuring but also shaping the opinion? A time-series surey experiment on the effect of polls on public opinion– American Political Science Conference 2015
Conference lectureOpinion Polls' Effect on Political Attitudes - Results from a time-series survey experiment in a general population web panel– ECPR General Conference 2015 2015
Feature articleValgets egentlige helter– Bergens Tidende 2015
Conference lectureOpinion Polls’ Effect on Public Opinion - Presentation of A Time Series Survey Experiment Design– Norsk statsvitenskapelig fagkonferanse 2015
Conference lectureThe legitimacy of collective decisions – Results from a real money experiment in a general population survey.– Norwegian Citizen Panel Conference 2014
Conference lectureThe legitimacy of collective decisions – A survey experimental approach to the micro foundations of political legitimacy– NOPSA Conference 2014 2014
Conference lectureThe legitimacy of collective decisions – A survey experimental approach to the micro foundations of political legitimacy– 8th ECPR General Conference 2014
Academic articlePrediction Markets vs Polls – an Examination of Accuracy for the 2008 and 2012 Elections.– The Journal of Prediction Markets 2014
Research reportMedvirkning med virkning? Innbyggermedvirkning i den kommunale beslutningsprosessen– Norsk institutt for by- og regionforskning, Uni Rokkansenteret 2013
Academic articleACCURACY AND BIAS IN EUROPEAN PREDICTION MARKETS– Statistica Applicata 2013
Research reportMedvirkning med virkning? Innbyggermedvirkning i den kommunale beslutningsprosessen– Norsk institutt for by- og regionforskning 2013
Research reportFrivillig deltakelse i Norden : Et komparativt perspektiv– Senter for forskning på sivilsamfunn og frivillig sektor 2013
Research reportValgdeltagelsen ved kommunestyrevalget 2011– Institutt for samfunnsforskning 2013
Academic chapterDeltakelsen ved kommunestyrevalget 2011– 2013
Academic articleForecasting Norwegian elections: Out of work and out of office– International Journal of Forecasting 2012
Conference lectureValgdeltakelsen ved kommunestyrevalget 2011– Den XXI. nordiske kommunekonferansen 2012
Academic chapterKonsekvenser av organisasjonsaktivitet for yrkesdeltakelse– 2012
Academic chapterSosial forankring og aktivt medlemskap i frivillige organisasjoner– 2012
Academic articleHow prediction markets help us understand events‵ impact on the vote in US Presidential Elections– The Journal of Prediction Markets 2011
Academic articleInformasjon, motivasjon, prediksjon: Eit forsøk med prediksjonsmarknad før stortingsvalet 2009– Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2011
Conference lectureHow prediction markets can help us understand events´impact on the vote in presidential elections– Third International Conference on Prediction and Information Markets 2011
Research reportPenger og politikk– Minerva 2009
Conference lectureKan man forutsi valgresultater? Resultater fra de amerikanske presidentvalgene i 2004 og 2008– Faglig-pedagogisk dag ved UiB 2009
Academic literature reviewAlways with the drama– Stat og styring 2008