Siri Veland is a human geographer working on interdisciplinary and cross-cultural studies of human-environment interactions. Her work concerns environmental perceptions, policy, and governance by local communities, nations, and industries in Arctic, Australian, East African, and European regions. Siri draws on a broad methodological toolkit to enable matching methods to context, including participant observation, interviews, focus groups, surveys, and Q-methodology.
Ongoing projects:
Modeling Risk from Black Carbon in a Coupled Natural-Human System at the Arctic Ice Edge (NSF 2018-2022)
Navigating Convergent Pressures on Arctic Development (NSF 2020-2024)
Tipping+ Enabling Positive Tipping Points towards clean-energy transitions in Coal and Carbon Intensive Regions (CCIRs) (EU 2019-2022)
OutGen Sustainable Rural Environments: Practicing, Managing, and Performing the Gendered Outfields (RCN 2019-2022) http://www.nordlandsforskning....
Ocean-NETs Ocean-based Negative Emission Technologies - analyzing the feasibility, risks, and cobenefits of ocean-based negative emission technologies for stabilizing the climate (EU 2019-2022)
Publications on GoogleScholar