Sindre Aske Høyland
Research Professor
+47 51 87 53 51
Prof. Olav Hanssensvei 15, 4021 Stavanger, Norway

Health & Social Sciences
Research Groups
More information about Sindre
Conference lectureHydrogen som fremtidens energibærer? Oppfatninger hos beslutningstakere og berørte– Frokostmøte Pilot E: Liquid hydrogen to decarbonize maritime transport in Norway 2022
Academic articleExploring the complexity of hydrogen perception and acceptance among key stakeholders in Norway– International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 2022
Conference lectureGreen light? Public knowledge and attitudes towards hydrogen– Hydrogenkonferansen 2022 2022
Academic literature reviewA cross-sector systematic review and synthesis of knowledge on telemedicine interventions in chronic wound management—Implications from a system perspective– International Wound Journal 2022
Academic articleA holistic perspective on continuing care for substance use and dependence: Results and implications from an in-depth study of a Norwegian continuing care establishment– Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD) 2022
Conference lecture"Best aftercare - ever" A holistic perspective on aftercare for substance use disorder patients– 2nd World Conference on Public Health 2021
Academic chapterStandardization and flexibility in surgical operations- A question of balancing risk– 2019
Academic articlePeace, Transport, and Understanding: A place for Samfunnssikkerhet in African Peacebuilding?– Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 2019
Academic articleExploring multiple working arrangements in Norwegian engineering, procurement, and construction industry from a middle manager and supervisor perspective: A sociotechnical system perspective– Applied Ergonomics 2019
Academic articleReal-time video from remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS): A tool for improved decision-making in mass casualty incidents– International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM) 2019
Academic articleA Contribution to Empirical Revitalization of the Samfunnssikkerhet Concept– Safety 2018
Academic articleExploring and modeling the societal safety and societal security concepts – A systematic review, empirical study and key implications– Safety Science 2017
Academic articleDeveloping and Applying a Framework for Assessing the Research Quality of Qualitative Project Methods in the EU Project SECUR-ED– Sage Open 2017
Academic articleExploring the benefits of cloud services and accountability tools from a competitiveness and return on investment perspective– International Journal of Information Technology and Management 2017
Academic articleAn empirical exploration of the presence of HRO safety principles across the health care sector and construction industry in Norway– Safety Science 2017
Academic chapterToward an empirical clarification of societal safety and societal security – preliminary findings from interviews with leaders and key stakeholders in Norway– 2017
Academic articleExploring how lay rescuers overcome barriers to provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A qualitative study– Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 2016
Feature articleBrexit - en exit for sikkerhet?– Stavanger Aftenblad 2016
Academic articleOn the need for revising healthcare failure mode and effect analysis for assessing potential for patient harm in healthcare processes– Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2016
Academic chapterReviewing the state of knowledge on the societal safety and societal security concepts – an initial modeling effort– 2015
Academic chapterIdentifying scientific principles for the concepts of societal safety and societal security– 2015
Academic articleExploring relationships between organizational factors and hydrocarbon leaks on offshore platform– Safety Science 2015
Academic articleGaining access to a research site and participants in medical and nursing research: a synthesis of accounts– Medical Education 2015
Academic article‘It’s a state of mind’ – a qualitative study after two years´experience with the World Health Organization´s surgical safety checklist– Cognition, Technology & Work 2014
Academic articlePerceptions of time spent on safety tasks in surgical operations: A focus group study– Safety Science 2014
Academic chapterWhat is it about checklists? : exploring safe work practices in surgical teams– 2013
Feature articleSvikt kan vendes til styrke– Bergens Tidende 2012
Academic articleDeveloping and validating a scientific model for exploring safe work practices in interdisciplinary teams– Safety Science 2012
Academic chapterThe nature of operating room time in interdisciplinary surgical operations– 2012
Academic chapterA qualitative study of surgical personnel's experiences with the WHO Surgical Checklist two years after implementation– 2012
Feature articleSystemet som virker– VG : Verdens gang 2011
Professional articleHva innebærer "trygg kirurgi"?– Kirurgen 2011
Academic chapterExploring safe work practices in surgical operations – The role of time, patient, and operation– 2011
Academic articleExploring varieties of knowledge in safe work practices – An ethnographic study of surgical teams– Patient Safety in Surgery 2011
Academic articleUnderstanding the system in relation to safe medical work practices– Safety Science Monitor 2011
Conference lectureExploring Varieties of Knowledge in Safe Work Practices – An ethnographic study of surgical teams– 5th International Conference Working on Safety (WOS) 2010
Conference lectureUnderstanding System factors in relation to Safe Work Practices – An ethnographic study of surgical teams– 5th International Conference Working on Safety (WOS) 2010
Conference lectureWhat is it about check lists? Exploring safe work practices in surgical teams– NeTWork 2010
Academic chapterTrening av ikke-tekniske teamferdigheter– 2010
Academic chapterRapportering av uønskede hendelser– 2010
Academic articleSafety First!? Organizational efficiency trends and their influence on safety– Safety Science Monitor 2009
Academic chapterDoes change challenge safety? Complexity in the civil aviation transport system– 2009
Academic articleError reporting systems as social constructs? The nature and influence of human, technological and organizational interactions– Safety Science Monitor 2008
Research reportEn studie av endringers betydning for sikkerhet i norsk luftfart– Universitetet i Stavanger 2008
Conference lectureDesigning interdisciplinary simulations within health care: A literature and preliminary observation study– European Safety and Realiability Conference (ESREL) 2008 2008
Academic articleAn exploratory study on human, technological and organizational interactions within health care– Safety Science Monitor 2008
Academic articlePatient safety challenges in a case study hospital - Of relevance for transfusion processes?– Transfusion and Apheresis Science 2008
Academic chapterA theoretical understanding of safe work practices - A comparison of aviation and health care– 2007
Research reportAnalyse av medisinske feil - Typer, årsaker og forebyggende tiltak– Universitetet i Stavanger 2007
Feature articleIkke bare menneskelig svikt– Stavanger Aftenblad 2007
Research reportPasientsikkerhet - Håndtering av feil i helsesektoren– Universitetet i Stavanger 2005
Research reportPasientsikkerhet - En analyse av feilmeldinger ved SUS– Universitetet i Stavanger 2005
Feature articlePasientsikkerhet og dagens helsevesen - uforenlige krav?– Stavanger Aftenblad 2005