Simon Neby
Research Professor
+47 56 10 76 28
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Health & Social Sciences
Research Groups
Climate, Environment, and Sustainability
More information about Simon
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Feature articleEr beredskap og klimatilpasning to sider av samme sak?– Stavanger Aftenblad 2023
Popular scientific articleKlimakrisen, klimarisiko og innrammingen av norsk klimapolitikk– Stat og styring 2023
Conference lectureKlimautfordringa - eit spesielt gjenstridig problem?– Klimaomstillingskonferansen 2023 2023
Conference lectureDen nasjonale klimatilpasningspolitikken i Norge: mellom risiko, sektorgrenser og umodenhet– Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2023
Conference lectureHigher education and strategic communication in Scandinavia: Creating "the university experience"?– 38th EGOS Colloquium Sub-theme 63: The organizing of Academia 2022
Feature articleKlimakrisen, naturkrisen og energikrisen er en og samme sak– 2022
Conference lectureThe state as marketizer vs. the marketization of the state: Two organizational models of corporatization in Norway and Sweden– EGOS 2022 Sub-theme 62: The Organization of Society: Meta-, Macro-, and Partial Organization 2022
Feature articleVi må lære av Voss!– Bergens Tidende 2022
Feature articleEt gigantisk etterslep– Dagbladet 2021
Conference lectureTime and climate governance: multi-level cooperation as a multi-temporal problem– Beyond Oil 2021 2021
Research reportHordaflom rapporten – Klima og flom– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Feature articleNorge trenger en ny politikk for å ruste samfunnet mot klimaendringene– 2021
Academic articleUsing collaborative hackathons to coproduce knowledge on local climate adaptation governance– Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 2021
Research reportUtvikling av kartleggingsmetoder og estimat for oppryddingskostnader for makroplast i strandsonen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Academic articleCoordinating wickedness: a comparative analysis of how Norway and Sweden organize for climate policies– Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 2020
Conference lectureR3: Funn erfaringer, status fra WP1– Prosjektmøte R3 2019
Research reportSmartare rapportering! Innovasjon gjennom nye modellar for rapportering mellom kommunar og stat– Vestlandsforsking 2019
Feature articleBT taler klimafornekternes sak– Bergens Tidende 2019
Academic articleClimate Adaptation and Preparedness in Norway: Third Order Effects, Small-Scale Wickedness and Governance Capacity– International Public Management Review (IPMR) 2019
Academic articleGjenstridige problemer og tverretatlig samordning: Et analytisk rammeverk– Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2019
Academic articleTrials, errors and improvements in co-production of climate services– Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS) 2019
Conference lecturePossible roles of performance indicators for governance legitimacy in wicked policy areas - climate change and public safety– Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2019
Conference lectureNoen funn fra HordaPlan - og HordaKlim, R3 og COCAL...– Norsk Klimaservicesenter Seminar - å bygge bro mellom forskning og forvaltning 2018
Feature articleVi må lære å leve med flom– Bergens Tidende 2018
Conference lectureWork-related crime, wickedness, and coordination– Workshop Nsfk-nettverket 2018
Conference lectureCoordinating the anthropocene: Governance of climate change mitigation and adaptation in Norway and Sweden– COCAL workshop 2018
Conference lectureFrom carbon accounting to climate accountability? The role of knowledge production systems for coordinating wicked climate policies– COCAL workshop 2018
Conference lectureOrganizing for the small-scale wickedness of climate-related events: diverging approaches to capacity between municipalities and state agencies in western Norway– GovCap/IPMN conference 2018
Conference lectureA hackathon-like workshop to inspire dialogue and find solutions to improve climate services in Norway– EGU 2018 2018
Conference lectureCoordinating the Anthropocene: Governance of Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Norway and Sweden– IPSA 25th World Congress of Political Science 2018
Academic chapterRapportering som organisatorisk aktivitet. Paradokser i offentlige organisasjoner.– 2018
Conference lectureHvor er vi med klimaservice?– Klimathon 2018
Conference lectureCatch and release? Attributing and assuming accountability– Intelligent Accountability Symposium 2017
Feature articleIkke trekk konklusjoner før støvlene er tømt– Bergens Tidende 2017
Research reportWork-related crime in Norway: Cross-departmental and inter-organisational measures in a multilevel governance setting– European Comission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion 2017
Conference lecturePossible role of performance indicators for governance legitimacy in wicked policy areas – climate change and the police– EGPA Annual conference 2017
Academic chapterSykehuspolitisk styring i Norge: mellom politikk og forvaltning– 2017
Popular scientific articleArbeidslivskriminalitet. Komplekst problem som kan håndteres, men neppe løses– Stat og styring 2017
Feature articleKriminell organisering?– Dagens Perspektiv 2017
Conference lectureThe Coordination of Wicked Problems - Climate Change, Police and Immigration. Novel practices for governance capacity and legitimacy– Intensive Research Workshop: Governance of Wicked Problems 2016
Research reportInnsats mot arbeidslivskriminalitet. Kartlegging og evaluering av hvordan det tverretatlige statlige samarbeidet fungerer– Uni Research Rokkansenteret 2016
Academic chapterMarketization and Accountability: Lessons from the Reforming Norwegian Healthcare System– 2016
Academic articleGaming, accountability and trust: DRGs and activity-based funding in Norway– Financial Accountability and Management 2016
Academic articleFra ansvar til "accountability" og tilbake: Ansvarsutkreving i forvaltningen av den norske velferdsstaten– Nordiske organisasjonsstudier 2015
Academic articleBending the Rules to Play the Game: Accountability, DRG and Waiting List Scandals in Norway and Germany– European Policy Analysis 2015
Conference lectureThe audit society - et blikk på rapportering, kontroll og informasjon– "Smartare rapportering" workshop 2015
Conference lectureLeadership logics and NPM reform: does leadership influence hospital performance?– Forskergruppeseminar: Medborgerskap, migrasjon og helse 2015
Conference lectureLeadership logics and NPM reform: does leadership influence performance?– NEONdagene 2015 2015
Academic articleQuasi-Marketization’s Effects on Accountability: Lessons from Norwegian Health Care Reforms– International Journal of Public Administration 2015
Feature articleReform uten innhold– Bergens Tidende 2014
Conference lectureMarketization and accountability: Lessons from the reforming Norwegian healthcare system– Public Accountability under Pressure: Reshaping its forms and values 2014
Academic articleImplementation and governance: Current and future research on climate policies– Public Policy and Administration 2014
Research reportSoft sanctioning, real relationships: Accountability, media and public sector interaction in German employment administration and Norwegian hospitals– Uni Research, Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies 2013
Research reportsame cheat, different wrapping: DRG scandals and accountability in Germany and Norway– Uni Research, Stein Rokkan Centre for Social Studies 2013
Conference lectureSoft sanctioning, real relationships: Accountability, media and public sector interaction in German welfare administration and Norwegian hospitals– EGPA 2013
Academic articleReshaping public accountability: hospital reforms in Germany, Norway and Denmark– International Review of Administrative Sciences 2013
Conference lectureSoft sanctioning, real relationships: Accountability, media and public sector interaction in German and Norwegian hospitals and welfare administration– IRSPM 2013
Conference lectureAnsvar og (mis)tillit: Styring, demokrati og velferdsreformer– VAM midtveiskonferanse 2013
Research reportInformasjons- og kommunikasjonsarbeidets rolle i det reformerende sykehusvesenet - en diskusjon– Uni Rokkansenteret 2012
Academic articleChanging accountability regimes in hospital governance: Denmark and Norway compared– Offentlig förvaltning. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration 2012
Research reportUni Rokkansenterets bidrag til prosjektet "Slagbehandlingskjeden Bergen"– Uni Rokkansenteret 2012
Research reportGaming the system and accountability relations: Negative side-effects of activity based funding in the Norwegian hospital system– Uni Rokkansenteret 2012
Feature articleNår ansvaret tynger– Bergens Tidende 2012
Conference lectureNPM vs. WoG in Norwegian healthcare: Accountability issues arising from a decade of health sector reforms– EGPA 2012, PSG VI: Governance of public sector organizations 2012
Conference lectureInnovation in public management and gaming the system: The case of activity based funding in Norwegian hospitals– 2012 IPMN conference on Innovations in Public Management for Combating Corruption 2012
Research reportKlimatiltak på Vestlandet. En innledende kartlegging– Uni Rokkansenteret 2012
Conference lecturePresentasjon: Kartlegging av familie- og barnevernets tilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner– Likeverdige tjenester i Bufetat 2011
Conference lectureAccountability and the media: Single-case patterns and lessons from Norwegian healthcare– NEON-dagene 2011 2011
Conference lectureAccountability dynamics in hospital reform: Norway and Denmark compared– EON Ruhrgas Conference 2011
Conference lectureThe Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives– Nasjonal fagkonferanse i statsvitenskap 2011
Research reportKartlegging av familievernets og barnevernets tjenestetilbud til lesbiske, homofile, bifile og transpersoner– Uni Rokkansenteret 2010
Conference lectureThe Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policies: Current Research and Future Perspectives– European Group for Public Administration 2010
Research reportMellom lokalisme og kompetanse. Evaluering av familieverntjenesten i Bufetat, region vest– Uni Rokkansenteret 2009