I completed my PhD in applied mathematics at the University of Bergen in 2002. Since 1/10-2018 I have been employed as a senior scientist in NORCE Energy. From 2006-2018 I was a senior scientist at IRIS, and before that a researcher at Rogaland research.
I have mainly worked with problems related to modeling of multi-phase fluid flow in wells and porous media (reservoirs), and in particular calibration of models using ensemble-based data assimilation. I have also worked on ensemble-based optimization, and have contributed to the development and applications of these methods. More recently, I have worked with applications involving large data sets (seismic) and large-scale models, as well as problems in medicine.
Rolf Johan Lorentzen
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 56 24
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Energy and Technology
Research themes
Big Data
Renewable energy
Data assimilation
Reservoir Modelling
Research Groups
Data Assimilation and Optimization
More information about Rolf
Download pressphotoSource: NORCE/Rune Rolvsjord
Academic articleOffshore wind farm layout optimization using ensemble methods– Renewable Energy 2023
Academic articleA natural Hessian approximation for ensemble based optimization– Computational Geosciences 2023
Academic chapterHistory Matching Field Scale Model Using LET Based Relative Permeability– 2022
Academic articleAdaptive machine learning-based surrogate modeling to accelerate PDE-constrained optimization in enhanced oil recovery– Advances in Computational Mathematics 2022
Conference lectureDrainage optimization– Energy Norway 2022 2022
Academic articleRobust Value Quantification of Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods Using Ensemble-Based Optimization– SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 2022
Research reportMethodological developments for ensemble-based optimization of EOR processes– Universitetet i Stavanger 2021
Research reportWorkflow for adding 4D seismic data in history matching– Universitetet i Stavanger 2021
Conference lectureRobust and efficient optimization demonstrated on the Olympus field– IOR Centre's Workshop on Production optimization, value of information and decision-making 2021
Academic articleEnsemble-based constrained optimization using an exterior penalty method– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2021
Academic literature review4D seismic history matching– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2021
Academic articleAccounting for model errors of rock physics models in 4D seismic history matching problems: A perspective of machine learning– Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2021
Academic chapterOptimizing Well Economic Limits Using Ensemble-Based Optimization on Olympus Field– 2020
Conference lectureWorkflow for ensemble-based history matching - Demonstrated on the Edvard Grieg field– Short course for Lundin 2020
Academic chapterOn the Robust Value Quantification of Polymer EOR Injection Strategies for Better Decision Making– 2020
Academic chapterAccounting for Model Errors of Rock Physics Models in 4D Seismic History Matching Problems: A Perspective of Machine Learning– 2020
Conference lectureAccounting for Model Errors of Rock Physics Models in 4D Seismic History Matching Problems: A Perspective of Machine Learning– SPE Norway Subsurface Conference 2020
Conference lectureOptimizing Well Economic Limits Using Ensemble-Based Optimization on Olympus Field– SPE Norway Subsurface Conference 2020
Academic chapterAssisted History Matching of 4Dseismic Data - A Comparative Study– 2019
Academic articleSimultaneous assimilation of production and seismic data: application to the Norne field– Computational Geosciences 2019
Academic articleOLYMPUS optimization under geological uncertainty– Computational Geosciences 2019
Conference lectureAn ensemble-based kernel learning approach to account for model errors of rock physics models in 4D seismic history matching: a real field case study– NORA (The Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium) meeting at NORCE 2019
Conference lectureAn ensemble-based kernel learning approach to account for model errors of rock physics models in 4D seismic history matching: A real field case study– FORCE symposium: Applied Machine Learning and Advanced Analytics with Oil and Gas Data 2019
Academic chapterEnsemble-based Kernel Learning to Handle Rock-physics-model Imperfection in Seismic History Matching: A Real Field Case Study– 2019
Conference lectureOlympus optimization under geological uncertainty– 14TH INTERNATIONAL ENKF WORKSHOP 2019
Conference lectureHistory Matching Production and 4D Seismic Data and Application to the Norne Field– IOR NORWAY 2019 2019
Academic articleHistory Matching the Full Norne Field Model Using Seismic and Production Data– SPE Journal 2019
Academic articleMathematics and Medicine: How mathematics, modelling and simulations can lead to better diagnosis and treatments– Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 2019
Conference lectureOlympus Optimization under Geological Uncertainty– EAGE/TNO Workshop on OLYMPUS Field Development Optimization 2018
Conference lectureHistory Matching Production and 4D Seismic Data in the Norne Field– FORCE - 30 years of 4D seismic on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 2018
Academic articleCorrelation-Based Adaptive Localization for Ensemble-Based History Matching: Applied To the Norne Field Case Study– SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 2018
Academic chapterOLYMPUS Optimization Under Geological Uncertainty– 2018
Academic chapterHistory Matching Of Real Production And Seismic Data In The Norne Field– 2018
Conference lectureHistory Matching of Real Production and Seismic Data in the Norne Field– IEA-EOR Energy Technology Network Symposium 2018
Conference lectureHistory Matching of Real Production and Seismic Data in the Norne Field– Foredrag ved ConocoPhillips 2018
Academic chapterHistory Matching Using an Iterative Ensemble Smoother with Correlation-Based Adaptive Localization - A Real Field Case Study– 2018
Conference lectureHistory Matching Using an Iterative Ensemble Smoother with Correlation-Based Adaptive Localization - A Real Field Case Study– 80th EAGE Annual Conference and Exhibition 2018 2018
Conference lectureHistory matching real production and seismic data for the Norne field– EnKF Workshop 2018 2018
Conference lectureBig data assimilation and uncertainty quantification in 4D seismic history matching– IOR NORWAY 2018 Workshop 2018
Academic chapterCorrelation-Based Adaptive Localization for Ensemble-Based History Matching: Applied to the Norne Field Case Study– 2018
Conference lectureCorrelation-Based Adaptive Localization for Ensemble-Based History Matching: Applied to the Norne Field Case Study– SPE Norway One Day Seminar 2018
Academic chapterPractical Use of the Ensemble-Based Conjugate Gradient Method for Production Optimization in the Brugge Benchmark Study– 2018
Academic chapterA Novel Ensemble-Based Conjugate Gradient Method for Reservoir Management– 2018
Academic chapterEstimation of pressure-saturation and porosity fields from seismic acoustic impedance data using an ensemble based method– 2017
Conference lectureEstimation of pressure-saturation and porosity fields from seismic acoustic impedance data using an ensemble based method– SEG Annual Meeting 2017 2017
Conference lectureUse of correlation-based localization for history matching seismic data– SIAM GS 17 2017
Academic articleAn auxiliary adaptive Gaussian mixture filter applied to flowrate allocation using real data from a multiphase producer– Computers & Geosciences 2017
Academic chapterData assimilation using MRI data– 2016
Conference lectureAn Auxiliary Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Filter Applied to Flowrate Allocation Using Real Data from a Multiphase Producer– ECMOR XV 2016
Academic chapterAn Auxiliary Adaptive Gaussian Mixture Filter Applied to Flowrate Allocation Using Real Data from a Multiphase Producer– 2016
Conference lectureEnsemble based data assimilation for a multi-compartment porous media model– 11TH INTERNATIONAL ENKF WORKSHOP 2016
Conference lectureData assimilation using MRI data– ECCOMAS Congress 2016 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering 2016
Conference lectureData assimilation for a multi-compartment porous media model– Workshop on modelling of flow in life tissue 2016
Academic articleEstimation of production rates using transient well flow modeling and the auxiliary particle filter – full-scale applications– SPE Production & Operations 2016
Academic articleIterative Ensemble Smoother as an Approximate Solution to a Regularized Minimum-Average-Cost Problem: Theory and Applications– SPE Journal 2015
Academic articleOptimization of well trajectory under uncertainty for proactive geosteering– SPE Journal 2015
Academic chapterOn an Alternative Implementation of the Iterative Ensemble Smoother and its Application to Reservoir Facies Estimation– 2014
Academic chapterToward an Enhanced Bayesian Estimation Framework for Multiphase Flow Soft-sensing– 2014
Research reportOn an Alternative Implementation of the Iterative Ensemble Smoother and its Application to Reservoir Facies Estimation– IRIS 2014
Conference lectureOn an iterative ensemble smoother and its application to a reservoir facies estimation problem– 14th European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIV) 2014
Conference lectureOn an iterative ensemble smoother and its application to a reservoir facies estimation problem– European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2014 2014
Academic articleToward an enhanced Bayesian estimation framework for multiphase flow soft-sensing– Inverse Problems 2014
Conference lectureToward an Enhanced Bayesian Estimation Framework for Multiphase Flow Soft-sensing– 14th European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIV) 2014
Conference lectureOn an Alternative Implementation of the Iterative Ensemble Smoother and its Application to Reservoir Facies Estimation– 14th European Conference on Mathematics of Oil Recovery (ECMOR XIV) 2014
Academic articleAn iterative version of the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter– Computational Geosciences 2014
Academic articleEstimation of production rates with transient well-flow modeling and the auxiliary particle filter– SPE Journal 2014
Academic articleEstimating Facies Fields by Use of the Ensemble Kalman Filter and Distance Functions-Applied to Shallow-Marine Environments– SPE Journal 2013
Academic articleHistory Matching Channelized Reservoirs Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter– Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal : SPE Journal 2012
Conference lectureIterative versions of the adaptive Gaussian mixture filter– ECMOR XIII – 13th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery 2012
Academic chapterOptimization of Well Trajectory under Uncertainty for Proactive Geosteering– 2012
Academic articleAn iterative ensemble Kalman filter– IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2011
Academic articleTuning of Computer Model Parameters in Managed-Pressure Drilling Applications Using an Unscented-Kalman-Filter Technique– SPE Journal 2010
Academic articleTuning of Computer Model Parameters in Managed Pressure Drilling Applications Using an Unscented Kalman Filter Technique– SPE Journal 2010
Academic articleResults of the Brugge Benchmark Study for Flooding Optimization and History Matching– SPE Reservoir Evaluation and Engineering 2010
Conference lectureHistory Matching Channelized Reservoirs Using the Ensemble Kalman Filter– International Petroleum Technology Conference 2009