Kyrre Breivik
Senior Researcher
+47 56 10 72 18
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Academic articleScar, vulnerability, or both? A longitudinal study of the association between depressive tendencies and global negative self-esteem from early adolescence to young adulthood with gender as a moderating factor– Personality and Individual Differences 2023
Academic articleTrends in physical health complaints among adolescents from 2014 – 2019: Considering screen time, social media use, and physical activity– SSM - Population Health 2023
Academic articleNegative Life Events, Protective Factors, and Substance-Related Problems: A Study of Resilience in Adolescence– Substance Use & Misuse 2023
Academic articleStop Sexual Harassment: A study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial in secondary schools in Norway– Frontiers in Public Health 2023
Academic articleDo school-level anti-bullying interventions affect prescriptions of prescribed drugs in young adulthood? A case using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program– International Journal of Bullying Prevention 2022
Academic articlePsychometric properties of a short self-report measure of rule-breaking behaviour among adolescents: findings from the Ungdata survey– Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2022
Academic articleCorrelated physical and mental health composite scores for the RAND-36 and RAND-12 health surveys: can we keep them simple?– Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2022
Academic articlePsychological tests for expectant parents and young children in the Nordic countries: A review of the evidence– European Journal of Developmental Psychology 2022
Non-fiction chapterThe Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP) : Development and Consolidation– 2021
Research reportThe First 1000 Days in the Nordic Countries. Psychosocial Interventions and Psychological Tests: A Review of the Evidence– Nordic Council of Ministers 2021
Academic articlePast Year Cannabis Use Among Norwegian Adolescents: Time Trends Based on the Ungdata Surveys 2010–2019– Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021
Academic articlePredicting intention of Norwegian dental health-care workers to use nanomaterials: An application of the augmented theory of planned behavior– European Journal of Oral Sciences 2021
Academic articleAn app-based intervention for adolescents exposed to cyberbullying in norway: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial– JMIR Research Protocols 2021
Academic articleInternalizing Symptom Profiles Among Youth in Foster Care: A Comparison Study– Frontiers in Psychiatry 2021
Academic articleThe Potential of Anti-Bullying Efforts to Prevent Academic Failure and Youth Crime. A Case Using the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP)– Prevention Science 2021
Feature articleUtdanningsdirektoratet gir dårlige råd om mobbing i skolen– 2021
Academic articlePsychometric Properties of the Norwegian Version of the Fear of COVID-19 Scale– International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 2021
Academic articleLife events and adolescent depressive symptoms: Protective factors associated with resilience– PLOS ONE 2020
Academic articleThe relationship between perceived social support and PTSD symptoms after exposure to physical assault: An 8 years longitudinal study– Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2020
Academic articlePotentially traumatic events in foster youth, and association with DSM -5 trauma- and stressor related symptoms– International Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect 2020
Academic articleFoster parents' experiences of using child mental health and welfare services in Norway: Associations with youth, placement, and service characteristics– Child & Family Social Work 2020
Academic articleAnterior cruciate ligament—return to sport after injury scale: validation of the Norwegian language version– Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2020
Popular scientific articleHvilke psykisk helsefremmende tiltak virker for barn og unge?– 2020
Academic articleDivorce and adolescent academic achievement: Heterogeneity in the associations by parental education– PLOS ONE 2020
Feature articleHva med senvirkninger og overlevernes livskvalitet?– Dagens medisin 2019
Academic articleAddressing Specific Forms of Bullying: A Large-Scale Evaluation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program– International Journal of Bullying Prevention 2019
Academic articleKunnskapsoppsummering og klassifisering av tiltaket De Utrolige Årenes (DUÅs) skole- og barnehageprogram (1. utg.)– Ungsinn. Tidsskrift for virksomme tiltak for barn og unge 2019
Academic articleComplex families and health complaints among adolescents: A population-based cross-sectional study– Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2019
Academic articleExplaining the intention of dental health personnel to report suspected child maltreatment using a reasoned action approach– BMC Health Services Research 2019
Academic articleBullying Involvement in Adolescence: Implications for Sleep, Mental Health, and Academic Outcomes– Journal of Interpersonal Violence 2019
Academic articleFactor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Resilience Scale for Adolescents (READ)– Assessment (ASM) 2019
Academic articleFactors associated with teachers discussing and intervening against homophobic language– Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies 2019
Academic articleLong-term school-level effects of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (OBPP)– Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2018
Academic articleGame Addiction Scale Assessment Through a Nationally Representative Sample of Young Adult Men: Item Response Theory Graded–Response Modeling– Journal of Medical Internet Research 2018
Conference lectureThe Reactive Attachment and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder Assessment (RADA) Interview -Development and Validation– EUSARF XV international Conference 2018
Academic articleDevelopment and Examination of the Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder Assessment Interview– Assessment (ASM) 2018
Academic articleEvaluation of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program: A large scale study of U.S. students in grades 3–11– Journal of School Psychology 2018
Professional articleNytten av tilbakemeldinger– Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2018
Non-fiction chapterMobbing i skolen – grunnleggende fakta og tiltak med Olweusprogrammet.– 2017
Research reportÅ ivareta barn og unge som har vært utsatt for mobbing. Erfaringsbasert kunnskap om utforming og organisering av tiltak.– Læringsmiljøsenteret 2017
Research reportÅ bli utsatt for mobbing. En kunnskapsoppsummering om konsekvenser og tiltak.– Læringsmiljøsenteret 2017
Academic articleDivorce and family structure in Norway: associations with adolescent mental health– Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 2017
Academic articleThe internal structure of foster-parent completed SDQ for school-aged children– PLOS ONE 2017
Conference lectureStress- and Trauma-Related Disorders Disturbed relational behavior in foster children without institutional rearing -Symposium– 15th World Congress of the world association for infant mental health 2016
Academic articleSubjective health complaints, functional ability, fear avoidance beliefs, and days on sickness benefits after work rehabilitation – a mediation model– BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 2016
Academic articleThe Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ): Factor structure and gender equivalence in Norwegian adolescents– PLOS ONE 2016
Academic literature reviewPrevalence of child sexual abuse in the Nordic countries: A literature review– Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 2016
Academic articleGrowth trajectories of health behaviors from adolescence through young adulthood– International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2015
Research reportLangtidseffekter av Olweusprogrammet mot mobbing i norske skoler - en ny storskala studie– Uni Research Helse, RKBU Vest 2015
Academic articleGrowing up with one or both parents: the effects on physical health and health-related behavior through adolescence and into early adulthood– Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 2015
Conference lectureReactive attachment disorder and >disinhibited social engagement disorder in school-aged foster children-a confirmatory approach to dimensional measures.– The International Attachment Conferene 2015
Academic articleReactive attachment disorder and disinhibited social engagement disorder in school-aged foster children - a confirmatory approach to dimensional measures– Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology 2015
Academic articleReconsidering the Roland-Morris Disability Questionnaire: Time for a multidimensional framework?– Spine 2015
Academic articleAn item response theory analysis of the Olweus Bullying scale– Aggressive Behavior 2015
Academic articleStability and change - a 7- to 8-year follow-up study of mental health problems in Norwegian children in long-term out-of-home care– Child & Family Social Work 2014
Academic articlePrevalence of intrafamilial child maltreatment in the Nordic countries: a review– Child Abuse Review 2014
Conference lecturePosttraumatic Responses to the 22nd of July 2011 Oslo Terror Among Norwegian High School Students– Tverrfaglig seminar Uni Reserach Helse 2014
Academic articlePrior adversities predict posttraumatic stress reactions in adolescents following the Oslo Terror events 2011– European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014
Conference lectureEmosjonell støtte fra venner i svangerskapet modererer forholdet mellom mors nivå av emosjonelle plager fra siste del av svangerskapet og frem til tre måneder etter fødselen– Nordisk forening for spedbarns utvikling (NFSU) 2014
Academic chapterPlight of Victims of School Bullying: The Opposite of Well-Being– 2014
Academic articlePeer acceptance protects global self-esteem from negative effects of low closeness to parents during adolescence and early adulthood– Journal of Youth and Adolescence 2014
Conference lectureRelative versus Absolute Change in Longitudinal Studies– Seminar on longitudinal data analysis 2013
Conference lectureHåndtering av Missing Data– Samling for Avdeling for samfunn og helse ved Folkehelseinstituttet 2013
Conference lectureStructural Equation Modeling (SEM) ved bruk av LAVAAN - introduksjonskurs– Statistical course 2013
Conference lectureDistinguishing between bullying and general aggression: A bifactor analysis– 16TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY 2013
Academic articleSymptoms of depression as reported by Norwegian adolescents on the Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire– Frontiers in Psychology 2013
Professional articleThe Link between Peer Relations, Prosocial Behavior, and ODD/ADHD Symptoms in 7–9-Year-Old Children– Psychiatry Journal 2013
Conference lectureSocial support from friends in pregnancy moderates the relation between pre-and postpartum psychological distress– Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2013
Academic articleASSERT - The Autism Symptom SElf-ReporT for adolescents and adults: Bifactor analysis and validation in a large adolescent population– Research in Developmental Disabilities 2013
Academic articlePsychometric properties of the Norwegian version of the childhood trauma questionnaire in high-risk groups– Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2013
Academic articleThe factor structure of ADHD in a general population of primary school children– Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 2012
Conference lectureForekomst av omsorgssvikt av barn i Norden– BUP-dagene (den årlige nasjonale konferansen for barnepsykiatere) 2012
Conference lectureForekomst av omsorgssvikt av barn i Norden– Den 7. nordiske konferansen om barnemishandling og omsorgssvikt 2012
Academic articleThe Trunk Impairment Scale - modified to ordinal scales in the Norwegian version– Disability and Rehabilitation 2012
Conference lectureMobbing og læringsmiljø– Høstkonferansen 2011 2011
Feature articleMobbeprogram uten effekt?– Klassekampen 2011
Conference lecturePsychometric properties of the Olweus bullying scale. An item response theory analysis– 15th European Conference on Developmental Psychology 2011
Conference lectureValidation of the Norwegian Version of the Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire (FFbH-R)– 16th International WCPT Congress 2011
Academic articleWhy do children placed out-of-home because of parental substance abuse have less mental health problems than children placed for other reasons?– Children and Youth Services Review 2011
Academic articleDo perceived academic competence and school satisfaction mediate the relationships between perceived support provided by teachers and classmates, and academic initiative?– Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 2011
Academic articleAn HIV/AIDS knowledge scale for adolescents: item response theory analyses based on data from a study in South Africa and Tanzania– Health Education Research 2011
Academic articleHealth-related adjustment of adolescents in various post divorce family structures with main focus on father custody with and without a stepmother– Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 2010
Academic articleValidation of the Norwegian Version of Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire– Spine 2010
Academic articleDoes the Quality of Parent-Child Relationships Mediate the Increased Risk for Antisocial Behavior and Substance Use Among Adolescents In Single-Mother and Single-Father Families?– Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 2009
Conference lectureValidation of the Norwegian version of Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire (FFbH-R)– Nordic Physiotherapy Congress. Movement-toward better health 2009
Academic articleAdolescents' adjustment in four post-divorce family structures: Single mother, stepfather, joint physical custody and single father families– Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 2006