Kåre Hansen
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 56 21
+47 930 43 779
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Health & Social Sciences
Research Groups
More information about Kåre
Conference lectureWho owns the risk communication? Challenges and differences in risk communication in Norwegian and Swedish municipalities– NEON-dagene 2022 2022
Academic articleRisk and Crisis Communication about Invisible Hazards– Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (JICRCR) 2021
Research reportKunnskapsoppsummering: Komplekse prosjekter og HMS i bygg- og anleggsnæringen– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Feature articleHva myndighetene kan lære om kommunikasjon om usynlige farer– Stavanger Aftenblad 2020
Research reportRisiko- og krisekommunikasjon om usynlige farer– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Feature articleKommunikasjon om usynlige farer– Stavanger Aftenblad 2019
Academic articleExploring multiple working arrangements in Norwegian engineering, procurement, and construction industry from a middle manager and supervisor perspective: A sociotechnical system perspective– Applied Ergonomics 2019
Academic articleAutonomy at work, can (too) high autonomy cause health complaints and sick leave?– Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2019
Academic articleGjenstridige problemer og tverretatlig samordning: Et analytisk rammeverk– Norsk Statsvitenskapelig Tidsskrift 2019
Conference lectureRisk communication of invisible dangers– SRA Nordic Conference 2018 2018
Academic articleInter- og intraorganisatorisk samordning : lærdommer fra strategien "Bolig for velferd"– Nordiske organisasjonsstudier 2017
Academic chapterManagement Practices for Promoting Employee-Driven-Innovation– 2017
Academic articlePower, trust and robustness - the politicization of HSE in the Norwegian petroleum regime– Policy and Practice in Health and Safety 2017
Research reportInterorganisatorisk samordning i staten – en analyse av « Bolig for velferd »– International Research Instiute of Stavanger (IRIS) 2017
Research reportForskerblikk på politikk og samfunn– International Research Institute of Stavanger 2015
Feature articleEr Statoils makt en fare for sikkerheten?– Stavanger Aftenblad 2015
Academic articleKonfliktforståelse og konflikters konsekvenser i norske kunnskapsbedrifter– Søkelys på arbeidslivet 2015
Conference lectureManagement practices for promoting employee-driven innovation– NEON 2015
Academic articleKnowledge exchange and learning from failures in distributed environments: The role of contractor relationship management and work characteristics– Reliability Engineering & System Safety 2014
Academic articleUse of information and communication technology to support employee-driven innovation in organizations: a knowledge management perspective– Journal of Knowledge Management 2014
Academic articlePreparing organisations for employee-driven open innovation– International Journal of Business Science and Applied Management 2014
Feature articleProblemløsning– Dagens næringsliv 2013
Academic articleAutomation systems and work process safety: assessing the significance of human and organizational factors in offshore drilling automation– Journal of Information Technology Management 2013
Research reportTilsynsstrategi og HMS regelverk i Norsk Petroleumsvirksomhet– Arbeidsdepartementet 2013
Academic articleEmployee-driven innovation in practice – Promoting learning and collaborative innovation by tapping into diverse knowledge sources– Lifelong Learning in Europe 2012
Academic chapterPreparing enterprises for employee-driven open innovation– 2012
Academic chapterIn search of best practices for employee-driven innovation: Experiences from Norwegian work life– 2012
Academic chapterEmployee-Driven Innovation, A New Approach.– 2012
Conference lecturePotentials for cost Reduction for Geothermal Well Construction in view of Various Drilling Technologies and Automation Opportunities– Thirty-Sixth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering 2012
Academic chapterDecision Making, Implementation and Distribution of Power– 2011
Research reportMedarbeiderdrevet innovasjon – en kunnskapsstatus– IRIS International Research Institute of Stavanger 2011
Academic articleMedarbeiderdrevet innovasjon – en kunnskapsstatus– Søkelys på arbeidslivet 2011
Feature articleOljeskift på land - et gode?– LO-aktuelt : organ for Landsorganisasjonen i Norge 2008
Research reportPermitteringsordningen - en gjøkunge i NAV-systemet?– International Research Institute of Stavanger 2008