I am a marine biologist and ecologist mainly working with marine benthic fauna and associated microorganism communities with experience from both academia and in the environmental consultancy sector. Currently, I am working on how environmental DNA can be used as an ecological tool to characterize seafloor communities and complement existing parameters in marine environmental monitoring surveys. This includes both marine invertebrate animals living on the seafloor, and microorganisms such as protists and prokaryotes. I am also trained as an invertebrate taxonomist with indepth experience with current regulations and monitoring parameters in coastal and shelf habitats, as well as deep-sea areas such as the Mid-Arctic Ridge. Finally, I have been working with the taxonomy, phylogenetics and evolution of phylum Porifera, the sponges, with a particular focus on the so-called carnivorous sponges.
Jon Thomassen Hestetun
Senior Researcher
+47 56 10 74 15
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Climate & Environment
Research themes
Mapping and supervision of marine resources
Research Groups
Molecular Ecology and Paleogenomics - MEP
More information about Jon
Academic articleEnvironmental DNA reveals spatial patterns of fish and plankton diversity at a floating offshore wind farm– Environmental DNA 2023
Academic articleNew species of Abyssocladia and two new cladorhizid genera (Porifera, Cladorhizidae) from New Zealand and Australia– Zootaxa 2023
Conference lectureAssessment of impact of a floating windfarm on the pelagic ecosystem – will eDNA help us?– OIKOS meeting 2023 2023
Academic articleThe Use of eDNA to Monitor Pelagic Fish in Offshore Floating Wind Farms– Oceanography 2023
Research reportEnvironmental DNA monitoring of pelagic fish fauna at the Hywind Scotland floating wind energy installation – A pilot study– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Research reportWind and Fisheries: Desktop Study on the Coexistence Between Offshore Wind and Fisheries in Sothern North Sea II– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Conference lectureTowards Late Quaternary sea ice reconstructions in the Arctic with sedimentary ancient DNA– EGU General Assembly 2022 2022
Research reportArctic Paleoceanography Cruise KH21-234 with R/V Kronprins Haakon– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Research reportEnvironmental DNA monitoring of pelagic fish fauna at the Hywind Scotland floating wind energy installation – A pilot study– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Conference lectureMetaMon and MetaBridge - Large-scale sediment environmental DNA metabarcoding for marine ecology and biomonitoring– Havforskermøtet 2021 2021
Research reportMetaMon final project report - High-throughput metabarcoding of eukaryotic diversity for environmental monitoring of marine sediments– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Conference lectureImpacts of Offshore Oil Extraction Assessed by Metabarcoding –Insights from the MetaMon Project– International workshop on Environmental Genomics 2021
Conference lectureSediment eDNA Metabarcoding for monitoring impacts from offshore oil extraction– 1st DNAqua-Net International Conference 2021
Academic articleThe impact of DNA extract homogenization and replication on marine sediment metabarcoding diversity and heterogeneity– Environmental DNA 2021
Academic articleGrab what you can—an evaluation of spatial replication to decrease heterogeneity in sediment eDNA metabarcoding– PeerJ 2021
Academic articleBenthic eDNA metabarcoding provides accurate assessments of impact from oil extraction, and ecological insights– Ecological Indicators 2021
Research reportKunnskapsstatus for bruk av molekylære verktøy i kartlegging og overvåkning av biologisk mangfold i marine miljø– Miljødirektoratet 2021
Academic articleEvidence of Vent-Adaptation in Sponges Living at the Periphery of Hydrothermal Vent Environments: Ecological and Evolutionary Implications– Frontiers in Microbiology 2020
Academic articleSleeping with the enemy: unravelling the symbiotic relationships between the scale worm Neopolynoe chondrocladiae (Annelida: Polynoidae) and its carnivorous sponge hosts– Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2020
Conference lectureEvidence-based methodology in sediment metabarcoding monitoring for offshore oil and gas extraction– 5th World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2020
Conference lectureEvidence-based methodology in sediment metabarcoding monitoring for offshore oil and gas extraction– International Workshop on Environmental Genomics 2020
Academic articleSignificant taxon sampling gaps in DNA databases limit the operational use of marine macrofauna metabarcoding– Marine Biodiversity 2020
Academic articleInsights into the symbiotic relationship between scale worms and carnivorous sponges (Cladorhizidae, Chondrocladia)– Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 2019
Conference lectureMetamon: Initial Results and Roadmap– 2019 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL GENOMICS: SCALABLE SOLUTIONS 2019
Conference lectureMETAMON High-throughput metabarcoding of eukaryotic diversity for environmental monitoring of marine sediments –Assessment of the barcode archive and taxonomic gaps– 2019 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ENVIRONMENTAL GENOMICS: SCALABLE SOLUTIONS 2019
Conference lectureSignificant taxon sampling gaps in DNA databases from the best studied marine habitat on Earth– 8th International Barcode of Life Conference 2019
Conference lectureMETAMON – Initial results and roadmap– International Workshop on Environmental Genomics 2019
Academic articleDeep-Sea Carnivorous Sponges From the Mariana Islands– Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Conference lectureMetamon - High-throughput metabarcoding of eukaryotic diversity for environmental monitoring of marine sediments– Havforskermøtet 2019 2019
Academic articleHigh similarity in the microbiota of cold-water sponges of the Genus Mycale from two different geographical areas– PeerJ 2018
Academic chapterData analysis– 2018
Academic chapterSorting specimens and preserving materials– 2018
Academic chapterSampling gears and equipment– 2018
Academic chapterPlanning marine field studies– 2018
Academic chapterThe marine Environment– 2018
Conference lectureCurrent outlook on carnivorous sponge diversity and systematics– 10th World Sponge Conference 2017
Research reportResipientovervåking av fjordsystemene rundt Bergen 2011-2016 - Sammendragsrapport 2011-2016– Uni Research AS 2017
Academic articleA review of carnivorous sponges (Porifera: Cladorhizidae) from the boreal North Atlantic and Arctic– Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2017
Research reportC-undersøkelse ved Haverøy, Fjell kommune– Fishguard miljø 2016
Academic articleThe Microbiome and Occurrence of Methanotrophy in Carnivorous Sponges– Frontiers in Microbiology 2016
Academic articleCladorhiza corallophila sp. Nov., a new carnivorous sponge (Cladorhizidae, Demospongiae) living in close association with Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora oculata (Scleractinia)– Zootaxa 2016
Academic articleCarnivorous sponges (Porifera, Cladorhizidae) from the Southwest Indian Ocean Ridge seamounts– Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 2016
Academic articleThe cladorhizid fauna (Porifera, Poecilosclerida) of the Caribbean and adjacent waters– Zootaxa 2016
Academic articleThe systematics of carnivorous sponges– Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2016
Academic articleTaxonomy of Cladorhiza in the deep SW Atlantic: C. nicoleae sp. nov. and redescription of C. inversa (Cladorhizidae, Poecilosclerida, Demospongiae)– Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2016
Conference lecturePhylogenetic relationships of carnivorous sponges– 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium 2015
Academic articleCladorhizidae (Porifera, Demospongiae, Poecilosclerida) of the deep Atlantic collected during Ifremer cruises, with a biogeographic overview of the Atlantic species– Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 2015
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Vikageilen i Kristiansund kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 12-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2012
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Rataren II i Frøya kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 1-2012– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2012
Conference lectureInvestigations of a unique fauna from hydrothermal vents along the Arctic Mid-Ocean Ridge (AMOR)– World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Andholmen 1 og 2 i Smøla kommune, 2011. SAM e-rapport nr. 19-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Fætten i Halsa kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 16-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Leikvangbukta i Bjugn kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 15-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Ratvika i Åfjord kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 14-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Singsholmen i Hitra kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 21-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Sandøya III i Roan kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 20-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Steinholmen i Aure kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 17-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Storskjæret i Aure kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 18-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Ulværholmen i Hitra kommune, 2011. Revidert versjon: 09.01.2012. SAM e-Rapport nr. 13-2011R– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Honnhammarvika og Hegerbergtrøa i Tingvoll kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 10-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportMOM C-undersøkelse ved Kjørsvikgrunnen i Hemne kommune, 2011. SAM e-Rapport nr. 11-2011– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2011
Research reportOppfølgende miljøundersøkelse ved Kollsnes prosessanlegg i 2010. SAM e-Rapport nr. 14-2010– Uni Miljø, Uni Research AS 2010