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Jan Ole Rypestøl

Senior Researcher

+47 906 31 591
Universitetsveien 19, 4630 Kristiansand, Norway

Jan Ole Rypestøl is a Researcher II at NORCE Norwegian Research Centre, Kristiansand and a postdoctoral researcher at University of Agder, Grimstad. Jan Ole Rypestøl holds a PhD in international management and an MS in innovation and knowledge development from the University of Agder, as well as a Cand. Mag. in social studies. Rypestøl is an experienced researcher and project leader who publishes in highly ranked academic journals within the fields of regional industrial restructuring, entrepreneurship, innovation studies and economic geography.

Jan Ole Rypestøl is a former serial entrepreneur with extensive practice in international management and international project development. Rypestøl is also an award-winning lecturer with ten years of experience in entrepreneurship education. At NORCE, Rypestøl is the project leader for the Norwegian national bank´s Regional Network in the southern region, and he manages several research projects in the domain of regional development.

Jan Ole Rypestøl


Health & Social Sciences

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Source: Atle Christiansen, UiA


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