Hanne Cecilie Braarud
Research Professor, Research Group Leader Regional Centre for Child and Youth Mental Health and Child Welfare
+47 56 10 76 53
Nygårdsgaten 112, 5008 Bergen, Norway

Feature article"Foreldrefremmedgjøring" bør skrotes– Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2023
Conference lectureExternal experts` perspectives on their role and contribution to child protection cases – a qualitative study from Norway– ESWRA European Conference for Social Work Research 2023
Conference lectureQuantitative content analysis of child welfare expert reports: the development of a coding scheme– European Social Work Research Association (ESWRA) conference 2023 2023
Academic literature reviewIndependent experts in care order proceedings: a scoping review– European Journal of Social Work 2023
Conference lectureExpert reports: An exploration of key characteristics and developments over time– Den nasjonale FORSA-konferansen 2022
Conference lectureOm bruk av uavhengige eksperter i barnevernets beslutninger: en scoping review– Den nasjonale FORSA-konferansen 2022
Feature articleTrenger vi regulering`?– Nettside RVTS Sør 2021
Academic articleThe feasibility of the full and modified versions of the Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB) and the prevalence of social withdrawal in Infants in Nepal– Frontiers in Psychology 2020
Academic articleNewborn Behavioral Observation, maternal stress, depressive symptoms and the mother-infant relationship: results from the Northern Babies Longitudinal Study (NorBaby)– BMC Psychiatry 2020
Academic articleFeasibility and acceptability of an early home visit intervention aimed at supporting a positive mother-infant relationship for mothers at risk of postpartum depression– Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences 2018
Academic articleMaternal DHA status during pregnancy has a positive impact on infant problem solving: A Norwegian prospective observation study– Nutrients 2018
Academic articleAffective facial expression in sub-clinically depressed and non-depressed mothers during contingent and non-contingent face-to-face interactions with their infants– Infant Behavior and Development 2017
Non-fiction monographUtviklingstraumer. Regulering som nøkkelbegrep i en ny traumepsykologi– Fagbokforlaget 2017
Research reportBruk av kartleggingsverktøy og behandlingsmetoder ved foreldre barn sentre i Norge: En anbefaling fra Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk for sped- og småbarns psykiske helse– Nasjonalt kompetansenettverk for sped- og småbarns psykiske helse, Regionsenter for barn og unges psykiske helse (RBUP), Helseregion Øst og Sør 2017
Conference lectureNBO på hjemmebesøk til familier i risiko for fødselsdepresjon– 1001 kritiske dager. Barns tidlige utvikling i et biopsykososialt perspektiv 2016
Academic articlePrecursors of social emotional functioning among full-term and preterm infants at 12 months: Early infant withdrawal behavior and symptoms of maternal depression– Infant Behavior and Development 2016
Non-fiction chapterNår vold infiltrerer omsorgen for små barn– 2016
Academic articleDocosahexaenoic Acid Status in Pregnancy Determines the Maternal Docosahexaenoic Acid Status 3-, 6- and 12 Months Postpartum. Results from a Longitudinal Observational Study– PLOS ONE 2015
Conference lectureSocial withdrawal among infants born to mothers with substance abuse and with psychiatric problems early in pregnancy– The International Attachment Conference 2015
Conference lecturePosttraumatic Responses to the 22nd of July 2011 Oslo Terror Among Norwegian High School Students– Tverrfaglig seminar Uni Reserach Helse 2014
Academic articlePrior adversities predict posttraumatic stress reactions in adolescents following the Oslo Terror events 2011– European Journal of Psychotraumatology 2014
Academic articleRegulering som nøkkelbegrep og toleransevinduet som modell i en ny traumepsykologi– Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2014
Academic literature reviewMåleegenskaper ved den norske versjonen av Alarm Distress Baby Scale (ADBB)– PsykTestBarn 2014
Research reportTeaching and training of child mental health professionals in Azerbaijan– Uni Research Helse 2014
Conference lectureEmosjonell støtte fra venner i svangerskapet modererer forholdet mellom mors nivå av emosjonelle plager fra siste del av svangerskapet og frem til tre måneder etter fødselen– Nordisk forening for spedbarns utvikling (NFSU) 2014
Conference lectureVitamin D insufficient infants (3 months of age)had sufficient vitamin D status at 12 months of age– International Congress of Nutrition 2013
Conference lectureSocial support from friends in pregnancy moderates the relation between pre-and postpartum psychological distress– Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2013
Conference lectureSosial tilbaketrekking hos fullterm ogpremature spedbarn- Den norske ADBB studien– Småbarnsdagene 2013
Conference lectureDen norske ADBB studien– Årskonferanse Nordisk forening for spedbarns utvikling 2013
Academic articleRelation between social withdrawal symptoms in full-term and premature infants and depressive symptoms in mothers: A longitudinal study– Infant Mental Health Journal 2013
Academic articleSubclinical levels of maternal depression and infant sensitivity to social contingency– Infant Behavior and Development 2013
Academic articleLow 0mega-3 index in pregnancy is a possible biological risk factor for postpartum depression– PLOS ONE 2013
Academic articleEstablishment of a seafood index to assess the seafood consumption in pregnant women– Food & Nutrition Research (FNR) 2013
Popular scientific articleTullespråk er godt for babyer– Bergens Tidende 2013
Academic articleKunnskap om små barns utvikling med tanke på kompenserende tiltak iverksatt av barnevernet– Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern 2012
Conference lectureEarly sustained withdrawal in infants, mothers’ mental health, other risk factors, and socio- emotional outcome in infants– 13th world congress of the World Association for infant mental health 2012
Research reportOppdatert kunnskap om tidlig utvikling og kompenserende tiltak inkludert å hente barnet– Universitetsforlaget 2012
Conference lectureTverrkulturelt arbeid med kollegaer i Aserbajdsjan– Nordisk forening for spedbarns utvikling 2012
Conference lectureSleeping problems among children. Practical advices– Foredrag 2012
Conference lectureSosial tilbaketrekking hos fullbårne og premature spedbarn. En longitudinell studie– Uni Helse Konferanse 2012
Academic chapterFamilievold og barns utvikling: Kunnskap fra forskning og praksis– 2011
Academic articleEvolving trends in the field of trauma; Developmental and neurobiological contributions to the understanding of complex trauma– Today’s Children are Tomorrow’s Parents 2011
Conference lectureVold og overgrep mot barn: Evaluering av gruppetilbud for seksuelt misbrukte barn– Høstkonferansen 2011
Conference lectureKosthold, mental helse og spedbarns utvikling– Høstkonferansen 2011
Conference lectureSpedbarn har psykisk helse– Høstkonferansen 2011
Academic articleDevelopmental trauma disorder: En løsning på barnetraumatologifeltets problem?– Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2011
Academic articleKompleks traumatisering hos barn: En utviklingspsykologisk forståelse– Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening 2011
Conference lectureSustained withdrawal at 3-, 6-, 9- and 12 months: A analysis of a Norwegian validation study of the Alarm Baby Scale– European Conference on Developmental Psychology 2011
Conference lectureClinical and Ethical Challenges in Treatment Research Involving Children Traumatzed by Exposure to Violence in their Families– 12th European conference on traumatic stress 2011
Academic articleIndividualterapeutisk arbeid med barn som er utsett for vald i familien– Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern 2010
Feature articleBlanke ansikter– Bergens Tidende 2010
Academic chapterSamspill mellom 2 måneder gamle spedbarn og omsorgsgiver– 2010
Conference lecturePost-partum depression and early social interaction: A Double Video study– World Association of Infant Mental Health 2010