Bernt Johansen
Senior Researcher
+47 911 68 927
Tromsø Forskningspark, Sykehusvn 23, 9019 Tromsø

Energy and Technology
Research Groups
Regional Climate and Climate Services
More information about Bernt
Research reportReindrift og Vegbygging. Medvirkning i planlegging og gjennomføring av vegprosjekter – barrierer og muligheter– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Academic articleEncroachment effects on reindeer husbandry in Troms Knowledgebase for regional planning work– Tidsskriftet UTMARK 2022
Academic chapterThe vulnerability of reindeer management and Norway's responsibility– 2021
Research reportKonsekvensutredning, Tema reindrift for E8 Sørbotn-Laukslett, Vestre trasé.– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Research reportBruk av Sentinel-2 satellittdata innen forvaltning av Øvre Dividalen nasjonalpark og Dividalen landskapsvernområde. Studieområde Havgavuopmi. (7/2019)– Norut 2019
Research reportInngrepskartlegging for reindrifta i Troms fylke. (23/2018)– Norut 2019
Research reportFinnmarksvidda – kartlegging og overvåking av reinbeiter – STATUS - 2018. (1/2019)– Norut 2019
Research reportTap av tamrein – et kunnskapsgrunnlag– NIBIO 2019
Conference lectureSeasonal dynamics of permafrost landscapes: InSAR ground displacements and controlling factors documented by in situ and Sentinel-1/-2 remote sensing data– AGU Fall Meeting 2019
Research reportNOTAT Beitetap som følge av 420-kV-utbygging. Distrikt 42 Beahcegealli. Revidert– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Research reportNOTAT Beitetap som følge av 420-kV-utbygging. Distrikt 19/32 Lakselvdalen/Lyngsdalen. Korrigert 22.06.2019– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Research reportBeitetap samt tap av kjøttproduksjon som følge av 420-kV-utbygging. Distrikt 37 Skárfvággi.– Norut 2018
Research reportBeitetap om følge av 420-kV-utbygging. Distrikt 19/32. Lakselvdalen/Lyngsdalen.– Norut 2018
Research reportBeitetap om følge av 420-kV-utbygging. Distrikt 42 Beahcegealli– Norut 2018
Academic articleHuman-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders perspectives on vegetation dynamics under climate change– Ecosphere 2017
Academic articleChanges in the spatial configuration and strength of trophic control across a productivity gradient during a massive rodent outbreak– Ecosystems 2017
Research reportReindriftsfaglig utredning for E8 Sørbotn-Laukslett, Østre trasé. (7/2017)– Norut 2017
Academic articleFuture forest distribution on Finnmarksvidda, North Norway– Climate Research (CR) 2017
Conference lectureMultiscale mapping of the seasonal dynamics of the High Arctic archipelago of Svalbard– Living Planet Symposium 2016 2016
Conference lectureProcessing a clear-sky time-series of Sentinel-2A data of central parts of Svalbard to monitor seasonal changes in vegetation– The 1st Sentinel-2 Validation Team Meeting 2016
Research reportTilleggsutredning Langsundforbindelsen. Reindrift. Rapport 14/2016– Norut 2016
Research reportTrasévalg for framtidig E6 over Kvænangsfjellet. Konsekvensanalyse for reindrift.– Norut, 2016
Academic articleSnow season variability in a boreal-Arctic transition area monitored by MODIS data– Environmental Research Letters 2016
Conference lectureHuman-animal agency in reindeer management: Sami herders’ perspectives on Fennoscandian tundra vegetation dynamics under climate change– AGU FALL MEETING 2016
Academic articleHerding conditions related to infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semi-domesticated reindeer: a questionnaire-based survey among reindeer herders– Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica (AVS) 2016
Popular scientific articleBruk av ubemannete fly (UAS) i miljøovervåking på Svalbard– Ottar 2016
Academic articlePredator–rodent–plant interactions along a coast–inland gradient in Fennoscandian tundra– Ecography 2016
Academic articleWhere do the treeless tundra areas of northern highlands fit in the global biome system: toward an ecologically natural subdivision of the tundra biome– Ecology and Evolution 2016
Conference lectureMODIS-based mapping of the growing season and plant production in relation to climate on Svalbard for the 2000-2014 period– Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2015
Research reportKonsekvensanalyse av tiltak på reindrift for reguleringsplan for E6 over Kvænangsfjellet. Alternativ 2 med tunnel gjennom Malingsfjellet/Skárttašvárri. (3/2015)– Norut 2015
Research reportKonsekvensanalyse av tiltak på reindrift for reguleringsplan for E6 over Kvænangsfjellet. Alternativ 1-Utbedring av eksisterende veg. Rapport 2/2015– Norut 2015
Conference lectureRESEM – REmote SEnsing supporting surveillance and operation of Mines– Challenges in Geological Remote Sensing 2015
Conference lectureWarming Climate and Changing Societies - a Challenge or an Opportunity for Reindeer Herding– American Geophysical Union conference 2015
Academic articleMonitoring cultural heritage environments in Svalbard – Smeerenburg, a whaling station on Amsterdam Island– EARSeL eProceedings 2015
Academic chapterMonitoring human and climate change‐induced plant stress in the Nordic Arctic Region and Svalbard using remote sensing and field surveys– 2015
Conference lectureArctic biomass: Greening and browning in the Arctic – implications for reindeer and caribou– 14th International Arctic Ungulate Conference 2015
Research reportFinnmarksvidda – kartlegging og overvåking av reinbeiter – status 2013– Norut 2014
Conference lectureOnset of the growing season and annual plant production in relation to climate on Svalbard, mapped by MODIS data– The 13th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium 2014
Research reportOvervåking av vinterbeiter i Indre Finnmark 2013 Resultater fra feltrutene– Norsk institutt for naturforskning 2014
Conference lectureVegetation and ecosystem transformation on Finnmarksvidda, Northern Norway, due to reindeer grazing pressure– 13th Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium 2014
Conference lectureMonitoring man- and climate change‐induced plant stress in the Nordic Arctic Region and Svalbard using remote sensing and field surveys– Assessing vulnerability of flora and fauna in polar areas 2014
Conference lectureVegetation and ecosystem transformation due to reindeer grazing on Finnmarksvidda, Northern Norway– ArcticBiomass - Workshop 2014
Conference lectureField- and satellite-based monitoring of trends in biomass of reindeer lichen heaths in Finnmarksvidda, Hardangervidda and North-America– ArcticBiomass - Workshop 2014
Academic articleUse of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in a multi-scale vegetation index study of arctic plant communities in Adventdalen on Svalbard– EARSeL eProceedings 2014
Academic articleClimate and environmental change drives Ixodes ricinus geographical expansion at the northern range margin– Parasites & Vectors 2014
Academic articleThe relationship between phytomass, NDVI and vegetationcommunities on Svalbard– International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 2014
Academic articleEffect of reindeer grazing on snowmelt, albedo and energy balance based on satellite data analyses– Remote Sensing of Environment 2013
Conference lectureHow to preserve the tundra in a warming climate?– 5th Nordic Geographers meeting 2013
Academic articleFuture vegetation changes in thawing subarctic mires and implications for greenhouse gas exchange-a regional assessment– Climatic Change 2012
Research reportHabitatmodell for lirype i Finnmark– Norsk institutt for naturforskning 2012
Academic articleVegetation mapping of Svalbard utilising Landsat TM/ETM+ data– Polar Record 2012
Academic articleRapid recovery of recently overexploited winter grazing pastures for reindeer in northern Norway– Fungal ecology 2012
Academic articleHigh-resolution satellite imagery for detection of tracks and vegetation damage caused by all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) in Northern Norway– Land Degradation and Development 2012
Conference lectureMapping the Length of the snow free seasons 2000-2010 in Northern Fennoscandia using MODIS data.– 12th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium 2012
Conference lectureUse of MODIS data to analyse spectral properties of land cover types for improved mapping of the growing season in Northern Fennoscandia– 12th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium 2012
Popular scientific articleFremtidig skogsutbredelse på Finnmarksvidda som en følge av klimaendring og dens konsekvenser for reindriften– Reindriftsnytt : Boazodoallu-Oddasat 2012
Research reportOvervåking av vinterbeiter i Vest-Finnmark og Karasjok 1998-2005-2010 - Resultater fra feltrutene– Norsk institutt for naturforskning 2011
Academic monographAltitudinal distribution patterns of alpine plants: Studies along a cost-inland transect in southern Scandes, northern Europe– Tapir Akademisk Forlag 2011
Conference lectureUse of time series of MODIS data in mapping of biophysical properties of the vegetation during a phenological defined growing season, northern Fennoscandia– Nordic Remotes Sensing Days 2011
Feature article”Feiltolking av reindriftsforskning”.– Dagbladet 2011
Research reportHålogaland Næringspark, Evenskjer, Skånland kommune. Konsekvensutredning av reindriftsinteressene. Rapport 9/2011.– Norut 2011
Research reportAssessment of research areas with great EO support potential– Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 2011
Academic articleNew satellite-based maps of the growing season north of 50°N (Proceedings Paper)– Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2010
Academic articleNew satellite-based maps of the growing season north of 50 degrees N– Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering 2010
Research reportKonsekvensutredning av reindriftsinteressene for nydyrking på eiendommene 115/6 Åsland og 116/1, Lyngen kommune– Norut Rapport nr 1/2010 2010
Research reportVegetasjonskart over Svalbard basert på satellittdata. Dokumentasjon av metoder og vegetasjonsbeskrivelser– Norsk institutt for naturforskning 2009
Academic articleImproved monitoring of vegetation dynamics at very high latitudes: A new method using MODIS NDVI– Remote Sensing of Environment 2006
Academic articleA vegetation-based method to map climatic variation in the arctic-boreal transition area of Finnmark, north-easternmost Norway– Journal of Biogeography 2005
Conference lectureVegetation mapping of Fennoscandia and neighbouring parts of NW Russia, using MODIS and Landsat TM/ETM+ data– 31'ISRSE pre-symposium workshop 'Observation of land cover and needs of research projects in northern Eurasia', 2005
Research reportLangtidsvirkninger på naturmiljøet av Forsvarets virksomhet i Troms– Norsk institutt for naturforskning 2005
Conference lectureA new vegetation-based method for bioclimatic mapping applied to the arctic boundary area in Finnmark, Norway– Second International Workshop on Circumpolar Vegetation Classification and Mapping 2004
Conference lecturemapping vegetation zones and sections in northern Fennoscandia using remote sensing and GIS– Second International Workshop on Circumpolar Vegetation Classification and Mapping 2004
Conference lectureSustaining Sámi Reindeer Management in Northern Fennoscandia.– XI World Congress of Rural Sociology: Globalisation, Risks and Resistance in rural economies and societies 2004
Research reportGråoreskog i Finnmark - vegetasjon, flora og verneverdige områder– Miljøverndept. Rapport T-553 1983