Alessio Gomiero
Senior Researcher
+47 51 87 55 46
Mekjarvik 12, 4072 Randaberg, Norway

Research reportMikroplast og miljøgifter i vann, jord og insekter på Lisle Lyngøy (delrapport 3)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Research reportHvordan plast og rydding av plast påvirker økosystemet på Lisle Lyngøy (Hovedrapport)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Research reportThe One Ocean Expedition: Science and Sailing for the Ocean We Want– Havforskningsinstituttet 2023
Research reportThe Norwegian Water Column Monitoring programme 2021: Assessing the impacts of Ekofisk and Eldfisk offshore oil and gas installations on the marine environment– Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2023
Research reportSystem for clearing marine litter from the seabed - pre-analysis and protocol: Analysis of the legacy of particle and chemical pollution from an underwater tire dump at Hjelmås, Alver Kommune (Norway)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2023
Conference lectureObservations of floating plastic litter in the Arctic region– Arctic Frontiers 2023
Conference lectureMikroplast forekommer I oppdrettsfisk og sprer dioksiner. Hva trenger vi for å evaluere risikoen?– Prosjektmøte MICRORED 2022
Conference lectureWhat are the toxic components of microplastics? Investigating the overlooked role of particles vs chemical leachates as microplastic toxicity drivers– MICRO 2022 - Plastic Pollution from Macro to Nano 2022
Academic articleStatus and future recommendations for recording and monitoring litter on the Arctic seafloor– Arctic Science 2022
Research reportBiological effects monitoring of a thermomechanical cleaned cuttings discharge from the Johan Sverdrup installation– Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2022
Academic articleAn ecosystem-scale litter and microplastics monitoring plan under the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP)– Arctic Science 2022
Academic literature reviewThe power of multi-matrix monitoring in the Pan-Arctic region: plastics in water and sediment– Arctic Science 2022
Academic literature reviewMicroplastics in Arctic invertebrates: status on occurrence and recommendations for future monitoring– Arctic Science 2022
Academic articleMicroplastics in the atmosphere and cryosphere in the circumpolar North: a case for multicompartment monitoring– Arctic Science 2022
Research reportKartlegging av mikroplastkilder i urbant miljø fra land til sjø - kilder, mengder og spredning– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Academic articleFuture monitoring of litter and microplastics in the Arctic—challenges, opportunities, and strategies– Arctic Science 2022
Academic articleMonitoring of microplastic pollution in the Arctic: recent developments in polymer identification, quality assurance and control, and data reporting– Arctic Science 2022
Academic articleCurrent efforts on microplastic monitoring in Arctic fish and how to proceed– Arctic Science 2022
Academic articleDistinct polymer-dependent sorption of persistent pollutants associated with Atlantic salmon farming to microplastics– Marine Pollution Bulletin 2022
Academic articleEffects of chronic exposure to the water-soluble fraction of crude oil and in situ burn residue of oil on egg-bearing Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis)– Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2021
Research reportMåling av mikroplast i næringsvaskeri– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2021
Academic literature reviewMicroplastic pollution in drinking water– Current Opinion in Toxicology 2021
Research reportAMAP Litter and Microplastics Monitoring Guidelines. Version 1.0.– AMAP 2021
Academic literature reviewMoving forward in microplastic research: A Norwegian perspective– Environment International 2021
Research reportNeutralisation of hydrogen peroxide after delousing events; technology development and environmental risk assessment– Norsk institutt for vannforskning 2021
Academic articleApplication of GCMS-pyrolysis to estimate the levels of microplastics in a drinking water supply system– Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021
Academic articleDocumentation of Microplastics in Tissues of Wild Coastal Animals– Frontiers in Environmental Science 2021
Academic articlePreliminary results on the occurrence and anatomical distribution of microplastics in wild populations of Nephrops norvegicus from the Adriatic Sea– Environmental Pollution 2021
Academic articleqPCR-based assessment of microfaunal indicators of oil for monitoring benthos around oil and gas platforms– Science of the Total Environment 2020
Research reportQuantification of microplastic in fillet and organs of farmed and wild salmonids - a comparison of methods for detection and quantification - SALMODETECT– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2020
Non-fiction chapterHandbook of Microplastics in the Environment– 2020
Academic articleDrinking plastics? – Quantification and qualification of microplastics in drinking water distribution systems by µFTIR and Py-GCMS– Water Research 2020
Academic articleMetal-based micro and nanosized pollutant in marine organisms: What can we learn from a combined atomic force microscopy-scanning electron microscopy study– Journal of Molecular Recognition 2020
Research reportPlast i dyr langs kysten. Rapport fra forskningsprosjekt– Veterinærinstituttet 2019
Conference lectureSensitivity of northern shrimp Pandalus borealis to commercial formulations used as anti-parasitic drugs.– Aquaculture Europe 19. Our Future – Growing from Water. 2019
Academic articleFirst occurrence and composition assessment of microplastics in native mussels collected from coastal and offshore areas of the northern and central Adriatic Sea– Environmental Science and Pollution Research International 2019
Academic articleGill damage and delayed mortality of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) after short time exposure to anti-parasitic veterinary medicine containing hydrogen peroxide– Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019
Academic articleFirst record of characterization, concentration and distribution of microplastics in coastal sediments of an urban fjord in south west Norway using a thermal degradation method– Chemosphere 2019
Academic literature reviewCharacterization of microplastic litter in the gastrointestinal tract of Solea solea from the Adriatic Sea– Environmental Pollution (1987) 2018
Academic articleComparative Effects of Ingested PVC Micro Particles With and Without Adsorbed Benzo(a)pyrene vs. Spiked Sediments on the Cellular and Sub Cellular Processes of the Benthic Organism Hediste diversicolor– Frontiers in Marine Science 2018
Academic articleBiological responses of two marine organisms of ecological relevance to on-going ocean acidification and global warming– Environmental Pollution (1987) 2018
Academic articleEnvironmental Impact of Offshore Gas Activities on Benthic Environment: A Case Study– Environmental Management 2017
Academic articleDistribution and Environmental risk Assessment of Heavy Metal in Surface Sediments and red Mullet (Mullus barbatus) from algiers and BouIsmail Bay (Algeria)– Environmental Modelling and Assessment 2017