Abdirahman Omar
Senior Researcher
+47 56 10 75 01
Jahnebakken 5, 5007 Bergen, Norway

Climate & Environment
Research themes
Ocean biogeochemistry
CCS/CCUS: Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage
Research Groups
More information about Abdirahman
Download pressphotoSource: Rune Rolvsjord, NORCE
Academic articleRapid fCO2 rise in the northern Barents Sea and Nansen Basin– Progress in Oceanography 2023
Research reportReport on regulations and technological capabilities for monitoring CO2 storage sites.– Universitetet i Bergen 2023
Professional articleThe Impact of Pre-Project Data Quality and Quantity on Developing Environmental Monitoring Strategies for Offshore Carbon Storage: Case Studies from the Gulf of Mexico and the North Sea.– Social Science Research Network (SSRN) 2022
Professional articleDemonstration of a Semi-Automated Decision Support Toolbox to Aid Operators in the Design of Efficient Environmental Offshore Monitoring Programs for Co2 Storage Sites– Social Science Research Network (SSRN) 2022
Academic articleAssuring the integrity of offshore carbon dioxide storage– Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2022
Research reportTrender i havforsuring og antropogent karbon i de nordiske hav, Nordsjøen og Skagerrak– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2022
Research reportMonitoring ocean acidification in Norwegian seas in 2021 - selected results– Miljødirektoratet 2022
Academic articleStrategic importance of the Bergen-Shetland Corridor to marine biology and oceanography of the Atlantic Ocean– Fisheries Oceanography 2022
Conference lectureACT on Marine Monitoring, project presentation– 5th International Workshop on offshore Geological CO2 Storage. 2022
Academic articleAcidification of the Nordic Seas– Biogeosciences 2022
Research reportMonitoring ocean acidification in Norwegian seas in 2020– Miljødirektoratet 2021
Conference lectureDetection and quantification of CO2 seepage in seawater using the stoichiometric Cseep method– 15th Internastional Virtual Conference on Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies, GHGT-15 2021
Conference lectureCO2 i sjøvann: Miljøstatistikk og utfordringer knyttet til å oppdage lekkasje– Webinar for og med Miljødirektoratet, OD, UiB og NORCE. MILJØOVERVÅKING AV CO2 LAGRE; ULIKE TILNÆRMINGER OG AKTUELL FORSKNING 2021
Research reportMonitoring ocean acidification in Norwegian seas in 2020 / Havforsuringsovervåking i norske farvann i 2020– Miljødirektoratet 2021
Conference lectureThe northern European shelf as increasing net sink for CO2– FerryBox workshop 2021
Academic articleSuitability analysis and revised strategies for marine environmental carbon capture and storage (CCS) monitoring– International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2021
Academic articleSea surface pCO2 variability and air-sea CO2 exchange in the coastal Sudanese Red Sea– Regional Studies in Marine Science 2021
Academic articleDetection and quantification of CO2 seepage in seawater using the stoichiometric Cseep method: Results from a recent subsea CO2 release experiment in the North Sea– International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2021
Academic articleThe northern European shelf as an increasing net sink for CO2– Biogeosciences 2021
Research reportReport on regulations and technological capabilities for monitoring CO2 storage sites. ACTOM project report. Version 1.0– Universitetet i Oslo 2021
Conference lectureThe Cseep method as a monitoring tool to detect and quantify CO2 seepage.– STEMM-CCS Open Science Meeting and 4th International Workshop on Offshore Geologic CO2 Storage. 2020
Conference lectureAct on Offshore Monitoring (ACTOM). Monitoring offshore CCS. CCS regulatory framework.– ACTOM, WP 1 Webinar 2020
Conference lectureMonitoring offshore CO2 storage projects, aligning capabilities with regulations and public expectations.– 22nd EGU General Assembly 2020
Academic articleOptimal sensors placement for detecting CO2 discharges from unknown locations on the seafloor– International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 2020
Academic articleWinter weather controls net influx of atmospheric CO2 on the north-west European shelf– Scientific Reports 2019
Academic articleGlobal carbon budget 2019– Earth System Science Data 2019
Research reportDetermination of seepage CO2 dissolved in seawater using the Cseep method– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Research reportUnderpinning data for monitoring activities (including current statistics and carbon tracer quantifications)– NORCE Norwegian Research Centre 2019
Academic articleTrends of Ocean Acidification and pCO2 in the Northern North Sea, 2003-2015– Journal of Geophysical Research (JGR): Biogeosciences 2019
Research reportTraining workshops in measurement, data management and quality control methodologies for the observation of greenhouse gas dynamics in the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial domains. SEACRIFOG Deliverable 4.4.– European Union 2019
Research reportTraining workshop with focus on preparing oceanographic data for sharing, Deliverable 5.3 from the EU project 730995 SEACRIFOG– European Union 2019
Academic literature reviewConstraining the oceanic uptake and fluxes of greenhouse gases by building an ocean network of certified stations: The ocean component of the Integrated Carbon Observation System, ICOS-Oceans– Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Conference lectureUtility of the Cseep method in the vicinity of Goldeneye.– STEMM-CCS 3rd Annual meeting 2019
Conference lectureThe stoichiometric Cseep method as a tool to detect CO2 seepage from subsea CO2 storage in the North Sea: potential role of ICOS data.– ICOS 2019 fall seminar 2019
Academic literature reviewA surface ocean CO2 reference network, SOCONET and associated marine boundary layer CO2 measurements– Frontiers in Marine Science 2019
Academic articleWintertime fCO2 variability in the subpolar North Atlantic since 2004– Geophysical Research Letters 2019
Research reportIdentification of Key Variables for Climate Change Observation across Africa. SEACRIFOG Deliverable 4.1: Ideal and Mandatory Sets of Variables and Criteria– European Union 2018
Conference lectureEnsuring efficient and robust offshore storage – the role of marine system modelling– GHGT14 2018
Research reportBASIC:-Boundary Layers in the Arctic Atmosphere, Seas and Ice Dynamics - SKD Strategic Project January 2015 – December 2017– Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center 2018
Research reportMarine monitoring of carbon capture and storage: Methods, strategy, and potential impacts of excess inorganic carbon in the water column– FME SUCCESS Synthesis report Volume 5 2018
Conference lectureThe need for proper environmental statistics to design adequate monitoring for offshore geological storage of CO2 projects.– ASLO Summer Meeting 2018 2018
Academic articleArctic Ocean CO2 uptake: An improved multiyear estimate of the air-sea CO2 flux incorporating chlorophyll a concentrations– Biogeosciences 2018
Academic articleSeasonal variations of hydrographic parameters off the Sudanese coast of the Red Sea, 2009-2015– Regional Studies in Marine Science 2018
Academic articleInorganic Carbon and Water Masses in the Irminger Sea since 1991– Biogeosciences 2018
Conference lectureSurface ocean pCO2 measurements within ICOS Norway and the example of M/V Nuka Arctica– Nordic ICOS Symposium 2017
Academic articleUsing Bayes theorem to quantify and reduce uncertainties when monitoring varying marine environments for indications of a leak– Energy Procedia 2017
Academic articleAir-sea gas transfer in high Arctic fjords– Geophysical Research Letters 2017
Research reportOvervåking av havforsuring i norske farvann i 2015– Miljødirektoratet 2016
Research reportHavforsuring i vestlandsfjorder og CO2-variabilitet i Lofoten– Miljødirektoratet 2016
Academic articleMapping of the air-sea CO2 flux in the Arctic Ocean and its adjacent seas: Basin-wide distribution and seasonal to interannual variability– Polar Science 2016
Academic articleGlobal Carbon Budget 2016– Earth System Science Data 2016
Academic literature reviewA multi-decade record of high-quality fCO2 data in version 3 of the Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)– Earth System Science Data 2016
Academic articleAragonite saturation states and pH in western Norwegian fjords: Seasonal cycles and controlling factors, 2005-2009– Ocean Science 2016
Research reportKunnskapsstatus for havforsuring i fjorder langs Vestlandskysten– Miljødirektoratet 2015
Research reportHavforsuring og sjømatnæringen på Vestlandet: Kunnskapsstatus og handlingsrom Rapport fra et forprosjekt– Vestlandsforsking 2015
Academic articleLinks between surface productivity and deep ocean particle flux at the Porcupine Abyssal Plain sustained observatory– Biogeosciences 2015
Academic articleThe effect of submarine CO2 vents on seawater: Implications for detection of subsea carbon sequestration leakage– Limnology and Oceanography : Methods 2015
Research reportHavforsuring og opptak av antropogent karbon i de Nordiske hav, 1981-2013, M244-2014– Miljødirektoratet 2014
Research reportUnintended releases of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from offshore pipelines: thermodynamic processes and the fundamental hydrodynamical equations– Universitetet i Oslo 2014
Conference lectureThe inorganic carbon cycle in the Red Sea studied using historical cruise data and five years long coastal time series– International Conference of Marine Environment of the Red Sea 2014
Academic articleRadium isotopes as a tracer of sediment-water column exchange in the North Sea– Global Biogeochemical Cycles 2014
Academic articleGlobal carbon budget 2013– Earth System Science Data 2014
Academic chapterAir-sea interactions of natural long-lived greenhouse gases (CO2, N2O, CH4)in a changing climate– 2014
Research reportTechnical synthesis report on droplet/bubble dynamics, plume dynamics and modelling parameters, use of hydro-acoustics to quantify droplet/bubble fluxes, and carbonate system variable assessment– Universitetet i Oslo 2013
Conference lectureOcean acidification and trends in the Norwegian Sea– International Conference on Arctic Ocean Acidification 2013
Academic articleGlobal carbon budget 2013– Earth System Science Data 2013
Academic literature reviewThe role of the Barents Sea in the arctic climate system– Reviews of Geophysics 2013
Research reportRapport fra arbeidet med å oppdatere havforsuringsdelen av Forvaltningsplanen for Norskehavet– Miljødirektoratet 2013
Academic articlePVTx Properties of a Two-phase CO2 Jet from Ruptured Pipeline– Energy Procedia 2013
Academic articleA uniform, quality controlled Surface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT)– Earth System Science Data 2013
Academic articleSurface Ocean CO2 Atlas (SOCAT) gridded data products– Earth System Science Data 2013
Academic articleAnnual and seasonal fCO(2) and air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Barents Sea– Journal of Marine Systems 2013
Conference lectureStatus WP5: The Marine Component– Christian Michelsen Research 2012
Academic articleSpatiotemporal variability of air-sea CO2 fluxes in the Barents Sea, as determined from empirical relationships and modeled hydrography– Journal of Marine Systems 2012
Conference lectureNorth Atlantic and Arctic Ocean carbon biogeochemical responses and feedbacks to climate change– Bjerknes Centre 10-year Anniversary Conference 2012
Conference lectureBenthic S18O signature of dense brine from sea ice formation in the North Atlantic– 22nd V. M. Goldschmidt Conference 2012
Conference lectureA carbon budget for the Nordic Seas– CarboChange 1st annual meeting 2012
Academic articleThe role of phytoplankton dynamics in the seasonal and interannual variability of carbon in the subpolar North Atlantic - a modeling study– Geoscientific Model Development 2012